Problem loading customised firmware


New Member
I've tried various USB sticks, reformatted them with Bootice and finally found one (Kingston) that started to load on booting the H - but only a series of incrementing numbers preceded by an R appeared, rather than a P as suggested in the Readme. They cycled round in three groups up to 100 with EH-C appearing after about each 30 but no progress bar appeared on the TV. Is it just a question of buying/trying more USB sticks? Advice please.
EH-C is an error code showing that the Humax has seen an incorrect header block, it thinks the file on the flash device is corrupted, I would format the flash drive and write the file to it again, making sure the file you are using is the correct one. There is a list of Firmware error codes on the WiKi HERE
Thanks gomezz - I'm using the front usb socket.
Thanks Ezra - for the wiki link - the file I'm trying to load is FOXSAT-HDR_upgrade.hdf but I'll download it and try again, again.
New usb reformated, and fresh download but still can't load upgrade file (CRC = E6527FBF) - no P numbers - very frustrating so I think it'll have to be chromecast!
Your Foxsat can obviously 'see' the USB flash drive now, but is still finding errors, the CRC is a Cyclic Redundancy Check, a test to see if the file on the flash drive is O.K. before the file is used, so again the Humax is saying if can 'see' the file but that it is not usable. Here is a list of possible fixes from the HDR-Fox T2 WiKi, the advice is just as valid for the Foxsat :-
  • Ensure no other USB devices are connected
  • Do not use a USB extender cable
  • Removing all other files / full-formatting can prevent file fragmentation
  • Try both USB ports (HDR)
  • Smaller capacity drives seem to work more successfully than large ones
  • Last Resort, Try a different USB Flash Drive
I quoted the CRC in case someone could check whether my freshly downloaded file is corrupted.
Thanks Ezra for the check list. In my case, still no joy:
  • there were no other usb devices connected, nor was an extender cable used
  • the upgrade hdf was the only file on a newly fully reformatted brand new usb stick
  • both front and rear usb ports have been tried
  • the usb stick was bought today - the smallest I could find was 8Gb.
The earlier faulty load was with a old 64Mb stick, so far the only one to show any sign of loading on the H.
Perhaps I'll try to find a smaller one tomorrow
Coo, 64Mb, that must be old.

Of two drives from the same manufacturer and same series, looking identical apart from one having 1Gb and the other 2Gb written on them, only the latter would work with my Humax boxes.
You should have downloaded the firmware from THIS link on the server. If you obtained it from anywhere else then I cannot guarantee its validity.
It was one of those promotional give-aways but it's the only one of four, so far, to show any sign of being read!

Thanks raydon, I did - perhaps some kind soul could please verify the CRC checksum in #4 just to be sure my download is correct?

This is probably silly, but is it possible to use a format other than FAT32?
It was one of those promotional give-aways but it's the only one of four, so far, to show any sign of being read!

Thanks raydon, I did - perhaps some kind soul could please verify the CRC checksum in #4 just to be sure my download is correct?

rar archive
Size: 9,191,612
CRC-32: 792160F0
MD-5: e3cb346af4649ecc9d54cc89284e6c5b

Size: 9,176,534
CRC-32: E6527FBF
MD-5: 4e53cc692b851a2c821a4f7d76cdce2b
This is probably silly, but is it possible to use a format other than FAT32?
Afraid not.
Thanks - at least I'm using the right file and the checksum is correct - so one wonders why I was getting the E-HC messages.
Anything I can do to check the H?
Thanks - at least I'm using the right file and the checksum is correct - so one wonders why I was getting the E-HC messages.
Anything I can do to check the H?
E-HC Incorrect Header Block (CRC-16) Software Damaged, Retry or Replace
You have the correct firmware and the CRC is good, so the only things left are the USB stick you are using and the USB port you are plugging it into.
Did you try using the rear USB port ? Firmware updates work equally well from there.
Thanks raydon - I've tried several sticks (which work on other devices) and both front and back USB ports, so any other way of checking the H?