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Problem transferring some SD and HD recordings with Webif

David White

New Member
I am very new to the Humax, having bought my HDR F2 last week but am already very impressed with the machine and these forums.

I have installed the Custom Firmware (it is amazing) and added the decryption, betaftp, samba and ntfs support. It has been working well but I have experienced a few strange problems and would like advice:

1. SD transfer of a Film 4+1 recording
I used the WebIF and used the opt+ method. The file transfers OK but it is stuttering and the sound is very strange. I made the transfer via a USB stick with the same result. It plays fine on the Humax and via the Webif interface. I re-encoded it using Handbrake and produced a file that plays fine.

Other SD recordings made before and after work correctly including Film4. I don't have another one from Film4+1 so don't know if the problem is channel specific.

2. HD recording of ITV film, Les Miserables, 3 hours. File is marked as decrypted.
When I use the WebiF and opt+ I get a 404 file not found error. Using Filezilla I can see the file but again get an error. I tried a USB stick (Fat32) and got the 3.99 GB OK and then remembered the file size limit. I have now used a NTFS formatted memory stick and left it copying this morning. So hopefully that will be OK.

I have had no other problems with HD programs, any ideas why I should experience errors on this one? Is it because it is large?

I am using a Mac running Yosemite but the problems of copying the file also occurred on my laptop running Windows 10 on a Samba interface and a networked drive. The file would not copy.
1: Sound stream formats switch on the fly, and some media players have difficulty coping with that. Splash Player Lite is the PC media player of choice for being tolerant.

2: Don't know. Is the file also marked as indexed?
2. HD recording of ITV film, Les Miserables, 3 hours. File is marked as decrypted.
When I use the WebiF and opt+ I get a 404 file not found error.

I have had no other problems with HD programs, any ideas why I should experience errors on this one? Is it because it is large?
No, it's not because it's large. Has it got any 'funny' characters in the name?
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2. HD recording of ITV film, Les Miserables, 3 hours. File is marked as decrypted.
When I use the WebiF and opt+ I get a 404 file not found error. Using Filezilla I can see the file but again get an error. I tried a USB stick (Fat32) and got the 3.99 GB OK and then remembered the file size limit. I have now used a NTFS formatted memory stick and left it copying this morning. So hopefully that will be OK.

I have had no other problems with HD programs, any ideas why I should experience errors on this one? Is it because it is large?

I am using a Mac running Yosemite but the problems of copying the file also occurred on my laptop running Windows 10 on a Samba interface and a networked drive. The file would not copy.

As a workaround you could use the DLNA URL link (on the recording details display)instead of the Download link but a USB stick should be faster for a large file
1: Sound stream formats switch on the fly, and some media players have difficulty coping with that. Splash Player Lite is the PC media player of choice for being tolerant.

2: Don't know. Is the file also marked as indexed?

Regarding 1: Not only does the sound stutter but the video also stutters. The VLC player in WebIf played it fine.

2. The file is marked as indexed but I think MymsMan, prpr and johnb have the answer as there are acute accents on the é's in the file name. It looks as if that is the problem. I did download it via a USB stick and it transfered fine.

My problem now is that Avidemux only sees one of the two sound tracks (the stereo pair and not the centre channel) so whilst the music is present, the dialogue is missing!!! Using the VLC web player the sound in the adverts is present but not the movie. Checking the file properties as transfered it has two tracks in AAC. VLC player also only plays the music.
Definitely some oddities handling this filename
While playing the file, the WebIf dropdown says "Playing Les Mis\xc3\xa9rables_20150823_2102 "
The file does not appear in the TvDiary listings for the evening.
On the HDR, it does not appear in the "dead" part of the schedule (however, I did a retune earlier this evening, so the schedule has been backup and restored; I cannot see it in the backup file)
The RS reports the end of the recording correctly 24/08/2015 00:11:13 Recorded: /Les Misérables (189 minutes - Channel 4 HD)
As for logs...
auto.log and redring.log show it as "Les Misérables"
activity.log correctly shows "Les Misérables"
tvdiary.log says (twice a minute for the duration of the recording)
23/08/2015-21:04:01: ** Error getting details of humaxtv file /mnt/hd2/My Video/Les Mis\xc3\xa9rables_20150823_2102.ts. Ignoring it. [could not read "/mnt/hd2/My Video/Les Mis\xc3\xa9rables_20150823_2102.ts": No such file or directory]
Now that I am copying it to USB, it is reporting it twice a minute for both source AND destination
Handling interesting characters has always been a challenge. Patches welcome : )
Just a thought, perhaps over-kill, but if I had problems with accented characters I would be tempted to FTP into the Hummy, edit the .ts filename (in this case changing the é to e) and delete the sidecar files - then go back into WebIf and get the sidecar package to recreate the sidecar files.

Is this sensible (or possible)?
Good point, my reasoning was that the sidecar files might contain references to the .ts filename (the .hmt file certainly does).

You could simply try renaming the recording in the standard UI by completely replacing the name. This will sort out the sidecar files.
Graham, that is the obvious solution - so obvious that I (probably mistakenly) thought that there must be a problem doing it with the Humax UI!
You could simply try renaming the recording in the standard UI by completely replacing the name. This will sort out the sidecar files.
Talking off the top of my head here, but doesn't the SUI rename option just change the presentation name and not the actual file manes?
The SUI rename option changes Both the title and file name (file name = title _date_time.ts)
Webif allows them to be changed independently and is easier than entering text with the remote control
The SUI rename option changes Both the title and file name (file name = title _date_time.ts)
Webif allows them to be changed independently and is easier than entering text with the remote control
I'm not near a HDR-FOX to check, but I am pretty sure that you can only change the recording title with the remote control handset. Without custom firmware the only way to change the filename is remotely by FTP.
Is it possible to use Sweeper to automatically remove non-standard characters from filenames? I'd imagine that replacing an 'é' automatically with an 'e' might be challenging, but to just remove it might be easier? With the filename changed, processing and file transfer issues etc. should go away. It would probably be OK to leave the recording title unchanged, so nothing would appear different in the on-screen media list.