Just a thought - if you are sure its portal related could you not install the mod firmware and use one of the 2 other portal applications to see if it still happens?
The mod would take about an hour to do first time while working through it and you can remove it all easy enough if you want later.
I think BH's suggestion above is a good one from what you've said so far and doing this may change something that helps.
If you do this do not try and use the Sky on demand section of their portal. (It doesnt work with the box and can cause issues)
Thanks for the speedy reply. Going to do a re-instal of CF using the file I first used and see if that helps.I never got to the bottom of the Youtube problem. I still get "A temporary error has occurred. Try again" errors. Possibly due to the version of Flash installed on the Fox? It must be pretty old now.
I've taken a screen capture, but not sure how or if I need to upload it?
edit just noticed that webif is looking a bit weird. It has mini Icons above the usual Big menu icons. I've taken a screen capture, but not sure how or if I need to upload it ?