post 39 - Recording the rugby..
We have 2 recorders, in different rooms, and set them up to record the matches. What a mess! being broadcast on different channels, with pseudo overlapping times, and in both HD and low density. Taking the simple life, we just use the find facility for 'rugby' or suitable keyword, and say 'record series' then let it do its own thing as far as folder names is concerned.
Some time ago now, I ferreted into manually creating schedule entries, and found recordings not happening because (I Assumed) the text i entered didn't quite match the text being compared to. Whilst I know I could set about solving the complexity, there are other draws on my tech time, and I reason that the QA was done by following the path across the Great Grimpen Mire and not deviating. (A reference to software tests, where a wrong step lands you in the bottomless bog)
All of the above to comment 'No problems with the equipment if you stay on the safe path either on-screen TV or using the EPG via the 'net and sort out the files, if you intend to keep them, once you know they're safely on the disk, with all the tricksy sidecar files and internal relationships good.