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Recording Failed: Not being saved

is it confusing for the machine to have both channels in the same folder?
No. All that matters is that there is a folder existing, or nothing stopping a folder being created. This "problem" has occurred because (somehow) a file is present with the exact name that should be created as a folder (thus preventing the creation of the folder and therefore an invalid path when the recording files attempt to be created).

It's the "somehow" that we need to focus on, to determine when this problem might occur.
post 39 - Recording the rugby..
We have 2 recorders, in different rooms, and set them up to record the matches. What a mess! being broadcast on different channels, with pseudo overlapping times, and in both HD and low density. Taking the simple life, we just use the find facility for 'rugby' or suitable keyword, and say 'record series' then let it do its own thing as far as folder names is concerned.
Some time ago now, I ferreted into manually creating schedule entries, and found recordings not happening because (I Assumed) the text i entered didn't quite match the text being compared to. Whilst I know I could set about solving the complexity, there are other draws on my tech time, and I reason that the QA was done by following the path across the Great Grimpen Mire and not deviating. (A reference to software tests, where a wrong step lands you in the bottomless bog)

All of the above to comment 'No problems with the equipment if you stay on the safe path either on-screen TV or using the EPG via the 'net and sort out the files, if you intend to keep them, once you know they're safely on the disk, with all the tricksy sidecar files and internal relationships good.

is it confusing for the machine to have both channels in the same folder?
here goes WITH CORREctly CaPITaliSed wording, oh shoot, my caps lock key is playing UP

Any way, I record a few programmes from ages past, one was Rumpole of the Bailey, as the title was identically spelt on the different channels, they all end up in the same named folder, identifies of course with the channel name along with date, time, duration etc

I have also had episodes of other recorded programmes having been left in the root level, even though other episodes have been filed away correctly

For your query, have a closer look using a TTY app and see if you have a non-folder file
I really really don't understand your problem with presentation. Camel case protocol for source code was never a good idea, and your sentence illustrates the fact.
Most of us would have just said 'Oh, sorry, I was in such a hurry I made a mistake.' and most of us would laugh with you and say 'Ho ho - not that I've ever done anything like that... guffaw. And we all move on to trying to identify the issue, if there is one, and add something to the sum of human knowledge and incrementally improve our expertise.

Colliding names seems to fit the symptoms though, so perhaps that is the answer you seek.

SD = 'standard definition' - aha - thanks. HD is probably something more specific than 'High Density' then. ?

TV's aren't so 'smart' they can make sensible decisions about preferences. 'Always watch the news in HD, but swap back because the BBC can't broadcast local news in HD, and have to grab the Sd signal....'
