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Recordings cut short

you could try NTFS - although as Martin says this is not fully supported (but works for me).
Since it was posted that the HDR-2000T by an owner back in November 2013 that NTFS was working for them there have been other posters elsewhere that have stated that they use NTFS. None of those posts were in the context of having an issue - apart from the slowness of the transfers.

Back in November 2013 Martin Liddle found an article that stated that Humax had intended to use Tuxera in future recorders.

Based on information available at the time Peter Christy then explained why he thought it was OK to assume that the HDR-2000Ts are using Tuxera for NTFS support.
If your PC supports ext3 try reformatting the USB drive to that. If ext3 crashes your PC (it does mine, even with the correct device driver) you could try NTFS - although as Martin says this is not fully supported (but works for me).
What I said was that the manual says NTFS is not supported for copying. It is entirely possible that a software update added the copy operation. I did have a quick look to see if I could find the history of the updates for the HDR-2000T but did't find anything.
To be strictly accurate, that manual extract referred to says what is supported. It makes no claims about what is not supported. Supporting NTFS write doesn't break the spec.

This could easily be a case where a last-minute change in engineering didn't make it to the tech pubs department.
This could easily be a case where a last-minute change in engineering didn't make it to the tech pubs department.
Or just cost cutting where the manual for the HDR-2000T has been lifted from the HDR0FOX T2 without a full review.

Another area concerning formats for the HDR-2000T is where Humax states in the instructions accompanying a manual download of software that to update the software using a "USB pen" then it has to be FAT32. I bought my second HDR-2000T second hand in July 2014 and that is capable of updating using a USB stick formatted FAT16.

Apologies for not updating for nearly a month - things just seemed to get in the way of doing anything with this. So - latest developments.

Got refund from Amazon for the Kingston pen drive and ordered a SanDisk instead.

Copied 64Gb of unwatched stuff off the Humax - where does it al come from?

Decided to try another factory reset and this time format the HDD 'in box'. have done that this morning and made a successful test recording. I have scheduled a selection of stuff over the rest of the week so will see what happens.

Thanks again for everyones support.
Update: 11 recordings made since Tues, 1 cut off 5mins short.

I will use the thing for a while and see what happens before pulling it apart.

Are the recordings from different channels? Which channel/recording cut off? Can you tell where in the 11 recordings the "failure" occurred?
Hello Phil

As of 1st Sep the recordings I've made since reformatting the Humax on 25th Aug are:

2 from ITV4 - both OK
1 from E4 - OK
9 from BBC2 - one of these has the glitch.
The problem was with "Life in the Air" BBC2 on 25-8 from 15-15 to 16-15hrs. This only recorded 55mins and checked with fast play misses the end of the programme.
This was after the E4 test rec but before the rest of the successful reservations.
I have some other reservation for other channels set this week so can see what they do.

How very odd! Makes me wonder whether the BBC are screwing up something. Unless someone else recorded the same programme, I don't suppose we'll ever know.
Two more recordings Tues. One on C5 cut off about 2/3rds through and one on ITV completed OK.

It's looking as though there is some hardware problem. I'll have to find time and workspace to take the hard drive out to see whether the SMART info has any clues.
Others manage to post SMART data here without taking the HDD out of the box.
If you told us which programmes you have had the problem with at the time of your post, you might get some "me toos", indicating 'their end', or some "mine was OK" indicating a problem at 'your end'.
It might (IMHO most likely) be that the broadcaster has screwed up the AR signals.

I've just got back to this.

I've opened up the Humax to find a Seagate 3.5" AV drive, removed it and hooked it up to my PC tower via SATA.

I then used ChrystalDisk to read the SMART data, this reported as OK though I don't really know how to interpret the raw info. I then downloaded Seagate's "Seatools" diagnostic and ran the quick and the two long tests offered all of which passed and reported no errors.

Finally I booted to Linux and used the disk tools there to run a file system check on each of the three partitions visible on the Humax drive. The two small ones were OK but on the large partition with the recordings on it found and fixed a whole string of errors.

I have now reassembled the Humax and it started up fine without wanting to format the disk or anything odd and recordings are still visible so I did a factory reset (no format) and retune, made a successful test rec this morning and have set up some reservations for the rest of the week so will see what happens with those.

I am attaching a screenshot from CrystalDisk and logs of the other tests in case they mean anything to someone with more know-how than me. The file gparted... is an htm file in a zip archive renamed as txt so the forum will acept it for upload. Many thanks if anyone has time to look at these.

Thank you


The SMART data from CrystalDiskInfo looks fine to me as does the SeagateLog. Fdisk has made a lot of changes but if it is working OK in the Humax then that is the acid test.

I'll have to wait awhile to see if there are any more failed recordings.

Any ideas how the file system got in such a twist, apparently beond the ablities of the Humax internal utilities to correct it?