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Redring's Override playback display brightness


Well-Knwοn Мember
Over the past week I have been attempting to use Redring's "Override playback display brightness".
Is there a known bug with this Redring option? I can't find anything on it when search using site:hummy.tv.

When the option is set to "Yes" the brightness is always 100% no matter what its Brightness slide bar is set to. This doesn't seem to be impacted by the other Redring setting options.

I'm using Redring 2.17 on two HDR-FOX T2s with Custom firmware version: 3.10 (build 2734), Humax Version: 1.02.20 & 1.03.12 (kernel HDR_CFW_3.10)

If this is a bug and no one else has bought it up perhaps it would be easier to remove the playback brightness option and its slidebar from the settings menu rather than spend time fixing it rather than just leave it to confuse some one else. A fourth possibility would be to remove the playback slidebar and swap the behavior of yes/no for the playback option so that 'No' does what it does at the moment if it is set to 'Yes' (i.e. ignores the "Override display brightness" setting), and 'Yes' does what it does at the moment if it is set to 'No' (i.e. uses the slidebar setting for the "Override display brightness" setting).
There isn't a known fault. Are you allowing time for the screen to dim again after the last remote control input?
If you enable debug mode then you will get more information in redring.log that will help to diagnose this.
Are you allowing time for the screen to dim again after the last remote control input?.
Definitely. I've delayed posting for over week just to make sure.

If you enable debug mode then you will get more information in redring.log that will help to diagnose this.
Does this log extract shed any light on what is happening?

[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:39:00 2017: !> RingBrightness(0x1a) 1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:09 2017: -> RingBrightness(0x1a) fc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:09 2017: +> RingBrightness(0x1a) 1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:09 2017: !> RingBrightness(0x1a) 1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:10 2017: -> LEDControl(0x10) 00 02 00 01
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:10 2017:    [ Play = ON ]
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:10 2017: Play icon on.
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: +> DisplayBrightness(0x19) fc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: !> DisplayBrightness(0x19) fc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: +> LEDControl(0x10) 00 02 00 01
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017:    [ Play = ON ]
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: !> LEDControl(0x10) 00 02 00 01
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017:    [ Play = ON ]
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: -> RingBrightness(0x1a) fc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: +> RingBrightness(0x1a) 1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: !> RingBrightness(0x1a) 1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:43:11 2017: -> DisplayBrightness(0x19) 78
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:43:11 2017: -> RingBrightness(0x1a) 78
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:44:06 2017: -> LEDControl(0x10) 00 02 00 00
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:44:06 2017:    [ Play = OFF ]
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:44:06 2017: Play icon off.

I've also removed the normal overide display setting (followed by a mains power down/up) in case that option was influencing the playback setting, but the result is the same.
With those settings, when it detects the play icon going on it should immediately set the right display brightness:

[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:10 2017: Play icon on.
[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:40:11 2017: +> DisplayBrightness(0x19) fc
The odd thing here is that it is setting it to full brightness (0xfc is what the Humax uses for full brightness).
The "+>" prefix without a previous "->" means that this was generated by redring itself.

Then it should ignore any attempts to dim the screen:

[RR] Mon Feb 20 11:43:11 2017: -> DisplayBrightness(0x19) 78

The fact that there is only a "->" line and not a follow-up "+>" means that this was suppressed. This bit is working..

so, it could be a problem with reading the settings in initially - that output will be in humaxtv.log (assuming you have run the 'debugtv' diagnostic at some point.
Could you post yours please?

[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: -------------------------------------
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Initialising v2.17
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Got Micom TX fd = 8
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Options 0x8d37
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Timezone: GMT (0)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Level:    ha_blue = 0x3f
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Level:     ha_rec = 0xbd
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Level:     fa_vfd = 0x58
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Level:     pb_vfd = 0xfc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: Level:     sb_vfd = 0x58
[RR] Mon Feb 20 10:34:06 2017: -------------------------------------
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Initialising v2.17
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Got Micom TX fd = 8
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Options 0x8f80
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Timezone: GMT (0)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:    fa_blue = 0x1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:     fa_rec = 0x1e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:     fa_vfd = 0x7e
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:     pb_vfd = 0xfc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:     sb_led = 0xc
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:     sb_vfd = 0
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: -------------------------------------
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: -> GetVersion(0x1)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: +> GetVersion(0x1)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: !> GetVersion(0x1)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: -> ???(0xffffff87) 01
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: +> ???(0xffffff87) 01
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: !> ???(0xffffff87) 01
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:39 2017: -> ???(0x8)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:39 2017: +> ???(0x8)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:39 2017: !> ???(0x8)
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:39 2017: -> ???(0x2) 10 fb
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:39 2017: +> ???(0x2) 10 fb
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:39 2017: !> ???(0x2) 10 fb

I haven't run debugtv before. Will I need to switch it off or does it not matter?
I haven't run debugtv before. Will I need to switch it off or does it not matter?
Doesn't matter, it just writes to /tmp/humaxtv.log. You can turn it off with undebugtv if you want.

Ok, the first part of the problem is here then:
[RR] Mon Feb 20 15:16:38 2017: Level:     pb_vfd = 0xfc

Playback VFD level is 0xfc

Can you post the contents of /mod/boot/redring.conf ?

sb_led_level 0
ha_rec_level 75
sb_vfd_level 35
pb_vfd_level 25
fa_vfd_level 35
fa_blue_level 10
fa_rec_level 75
ha_blue_level 25
# blue, red, sb_vfd, clock, playtime, debug, purple, pb_vfd, fa_vfd
options 0x8d37
Last edited:
sb_led_level 5
ha_rec_level 12
sb_vfd_level 0
pb_vfd_level 0
fa_vfd_level 50
fa_blue_level 12
fa_rec_level 12
ha_blue_level 12
# sb_led, sb_vfd, debug, pb_vfd, fa_led, fa_vfd
options 0x8f80
Thanks, found the problem. I'll upload a fixed package this evening!

humax# diff /mod/boot/env.d/redring~ /mod/boot/env.d/redring
--- /mod/boot/env.d/redring~
+++ /mod/boot/env.d/redring
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
        rrexport sb_led_level
        rrexport ha_rec_level
        rrexport sb_vfd_level
+       rrexport pb_vfd_level
        rrexport fa_vfd_level
        rrexport fa_blue_level
        rrexport fa_rec_level
No problem. You must be the first person to use that feature : )
I tried it when I removed the filter back in May last year and found it didn't work.

I assumed that such an obvious issue would have been noticed by others so I must be missing something or possibly my later machine with the vertical tuner connections might have different display panel firmware. But it seems more likely it's because you have to have removed the filter in order to want to dim the display. I can confirm that it does work but, as it loses the auto-dim feature it won't be used here.

But there's another display funny I've been meaning to bring up ever since I could see what was being displayed.

My current Redring settings are:
Disable screen scrolling? YES
Show elapsed time during playback? YES
Show [Play HH:MM] instead of [clock > HH:MM]? YES
(Remainder NO)

If I timeshift back the display tries to show the station plus time of day, which there isn't enough room for, plus ToD overwrites part of the station name if it's long enough.

So you get ITV 12:34 and More 4 12:34 - both OK - but then Yesterday 12' and 'BBC ONE Lo 1 .

Is this a Redring issue?
I tried it when I removed the filter back in May last year and found it didn't work.

I assumed that such an obvious issue would have been noticed by others so I must be missing something or possibly my later machine with the vertical tuner connections might have different display panel firmware. But it seems more likely it's because you have to have removed the filter in order to want to dim the display. I can confirm that it does work but, as it loses the auto-dim feature it won't be used here.

I tried it when I removed the filter back in May last year and found it didn't work.
The main redring option for dimming the display has been working OK for years. It was the secondary option of having a different dimming on playback that wasn't as expected.
Are you referring to the main dim option or the additional playback option for when you want something different between the two modes?

My current Redring settings are:
Disable screen scrolling? YES
Show elapsed time during playback? YES
Show [Play HH:MM] instead of [clock > HH:MM]? YES
(Remainder NO)

If I timeshift back the display tries to show the station plus time of day, which there isn't enough room for, plus ToD overwrites part of the station name if it's long enough.

So you get ITV 12:34 and More 4 12:34 - both OK - but then Yesterday 12' and 'BBC ONE Lo 1 .
With your settings what I get on timeslip is usually [Play HH:MM] , which is what I was expecting. I occasionally just get [HH:MM] when I initiate timeslip via the playbar slider, but not what you are describing.
There are a few different methods to initiate timeslip. How do you initiate timeslip? E.g.. pause followed by play E.g. rewind E.g. Play followed by left silver arrow? E.g. Skip back?
What might be more useful, particularly after removing the filter, would be the the option of retaining the standard display auto-dim N seconds after the last button press but being able to control the two levels and the delay. But from what I can see about how Redring works by it looks like this might not be possible. Does this answer what you were asking?

As for how I'm initiating timeshift/slip to get what I'm describing, both Play > Left silver arrow and Skip Back produce [BBC ONE Lo 1]. This just happens to be how I always do it as using Play > Skip Back can jump straight to the beginning of the buffer.

Pressing Pause gives [BBC ONE Lo 1] for a second or so before it's replaced by [PAUSE HH:MM], Play gives [PLAY HH:MM].

Rewind (<<) then Play - which until today I've never used - also gives [PLAY HH:MM].
Last edited:
What might be more useful, particularly after removing the filter, would be the the option of retaining the standard display auto-dim N seconds after the last button press but being able to control the two levels and the delay. But from what I can see about how Redring works by it looks like this might not be possible. Does this answer to what you were asking?
Sort of in a round about sort of way.
I can't comment on your suggestion but because redring has previously been such a pain to code I suspect that there won't be aneone eagerly stepping forward to attempt to update redring to your suggestion!

Pressing Pause gives [BBC ONE Lo 1] for a second or so before it's replaced by [PAUSE HH:MM], Play gives [PLAY HH:MM].

Rewind (<<) then Play - which until today I've never used - also gives [PLAY HH:MM].
So that is the same as I get with your settings. :)

As for how I'm initiating timeshift/slip to get what I'm describing, both Play > Left silver arrow and Skip Back produce [BBC ONE Lo 1]. This just happens to be how I always do it as using Play > Skip Back can jump straight to the beginning of the buffer.
but that is not the same as I get with your settings.
I get the clock with the occasional very brief flash of what you describe. This is the same as I get with live TV and your settings.

Which version of redring are you on? I'm on 2.17-1.
Last night I paid more attention to what was going on and the penny dropped.

The [BBC ONE Lo 1] is the stopped scrolling text. But there's no Play symbol so lit Redring doesn't overwrite the display with [PLAY HH:MM] or whatever.

But that means you should see the same and you don't. It's Redring V2.17-1 BTW.
Looks like it. That isn't a combination I've ever tested. I'll see what I can do.
I'd guess that if with no Play icon lit the only way of Redring being able to overwrite the display would be to spot the format of the text being displayed.

But it's a minor issue that no one else has flagged up and TBH anything is better than the distracting scrolling text.