Hmm, I've found it blacklisted on my firewall.
The only way this happens is if it's trying to make incoming connections on 'naughty' ports - the most common are 23, 2323, 7547 and 22, but I have others configured. I'll see if I can put some logging on to find out what's going on.
Unblocked it and all OK for now.
SYN packets or any on those ports? Could have just been unlucky with the client port. The server is behind a firewall that limits outbound connections so I doubt it's genuine.
Any at the moment, which is not really that sensible. It happened again this afternoon. I had logging on "SYN and NOT ACK" and that didn't trigger, which is good. I should have had another rule for "any". Got that now but I guess I might have to wait till tomorrow before it catches it. I'm just curious now really.
Sorry for the 'panic' .
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