That'll be the sign-language version.Appears there is an episode 2 tomorrow at 02:15 but it’s SCRID has changed
A change from B to 1b. I wonder why?
No.Are CRID's case sensitive?
The series CRIDs for this programme are OK.New Zealand Earth's Mythical Islands. BBC4 Sundays 19:00-20:00
I setup a series recording last week for this, but just noticed, 25min in that this Sundays episode 2 is NOT recording.
Why? I suspect last episode Series CRID was:
FP.BBC.CO.UK/B/3LND03/04 and now this episode 2 SCRID is partly lower case:
Either CRIDS are case sensitive or my Humax HDR Fox is discriminating it when it shouldn't (or the SCRID has changed!)
Is this a BBC programming error or my Humax?
Do you mean that? "Subsequently"? Or "accidentally"?antecedently
You've caught it too (but recovered later).CRID's