Thanks for the sidecar updates.
I had noticed with earlier versions of sidecar that the nts files created for recordings (H264 video) that had been remuxed with ffmpeg had unusually large values corresponding to the offset at 0x18 (onscreen time bar value) for some early frames (typically 2-9 frames). Since the latest update, the first frame of ffmpeg-remuxed MPEG video also gets assigned a large value in the nts file at offset 0x18. I made short recordings of H264 and MPEG streams and remuxed both 'on-the-box' with stream copying, and have attached example nts files below. The original recordings are unaffected, so it must be something that ffmpeg does that causes this. I appreciate that sidecar works as intended for native recordings, but thought I'd mention it as packages like hrwconv use both ffmpeg and sidecar. It is easy to fix the files with a hex editor, by setting the affected values to zero.