Using my spare FoxT2 HDR I get the same behaviour: with the 500GB HDD, the unit is stable and it passes the iPlayer test, whereas the 2TB HDD will not stream from iPlayer and then causes the unit to freeze. So I have now tested both HDDs with 2 FoxT2 HDR power supplies, and, because others successfully run 1TB and 2TB drives, it makes me think the power supplies are ok. I will have to monitor the voltages on a ‘scope and force the unit to freeze to prove it, though. Then, if the power supply is good, it would suggest the fault is in the HDD - well, the 2 HDDs: the 1TB Pipeline HDD and the 2TB Video HDD.
Whatever the outcome, I may well stick with the 500GB drive and possibly use the 2TB drive in a caddy with its dedicated power supply.
Whatever the outcome, I may well stick with the 500GB drive and possibly use the 2TB drive in a caddy with its dedicated power supply.