fileexists doesn't currently support wildcards so it's looking for a file specifically called 'boris*'fileexists [Films]/%asfilename:%%candidate:*
28/10/2016 12:22 - Processing [fileexists {[Films]/%asfilename:%%candidate:*}]
28/10/2016 12:22 - fileexists([Films]/%asfilename:%%candidate:*)
28/10/2016 12:22 - Expanded [%%candidate] -> [boris]
28/10/2016 12:22 - asfilename([Films]/%asfilename:%%candidate:*) -> [[Films]/boris*]
28/10/2016 12:22 - Expanded [[Films]/%asfilename:%%candidate:*] -> [[Films]/boris*]
28/10/2016 12:22 - FILEEXISTS(/media/My Video/[Films]/boris*)
28/10/2016 12:22 - Nomatch
--- auto.hook~
+++ auto.hook
@@ -549,7 +549,12 @@
log " FILEEXISTS($str)" 2
- return [file isfile $str]
+ set matches [glob -nocomplain \
+ -directory [file dirname $str] \
+ -tails [file tail $str]]
+ log " Matches($matches)" 2
+ return [expr [llength $matches] > 0]
No, it'll overwrite whatever you've changed when the package installs.Actually if I add the patch, will your update routine refuse to overwrite it? Hope not.
What happens now if you really do want to look for a file called 'boris*' and not 'boris2'?fileexists doesn't currently support wildcards so it's looking for a file specifically called 'boris*'