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Sweeper idiot's guide

newk only changes the recording schedule to remove the New: prefix from folders created for series recordings.
(the Foxsat package with the same name does more).
To remove the New: from titles and filenames you currently need Sweeper.
I frequently use Win Explorer to clear out my recordings so prefer the filenames not to start with New or its derivatives.
I find that some of the titles in the CF Media List have underscores in them such as"Aircrash_ The miracle of__ 09-09-15.ts
I would find it more aesthetically pleasing if it were not to have the underscores, but I can't get my head round a sweeper rule that would do this.
Anybody help please?
Point of information: the underscores have dropped in as replacements for characters in the title which can't be used in a file name.
Got some sweeper rules set up as per post #17 on the My Video folder. They work here, but not in any series folders. Do I have to set them up for each folder or is there a recursive setting that I have missed?
If you put the word 'global' in front of each of those rules, they will be applied to one-off and series recordings.
Thank you af. I'll give that a go in a bit.

EDIT: That worked. Thank you.
On an aesthetics note. When I look at the sweeper rules for my My Video folder, the last rule (the textual red bit at the bottom) overlays the black text in the box because it's too long to fit. Why is it there anyway when you can see the textual rule by clicking Text Editor?
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Thank you af. I'll give that a go in a bit.

EDIT: That worked. Thank you.
On an aesthetics note. When I look at the sweeper rules for my My Video folder, the last rule (the textual red bit at the bottom) overlays the black text in the box because it's too long to fit. Why is it there anyway when you can see the textual rule by clicking Text Editor?
You're seeing it because you have raw mode turned on. It's for debugging/interest. Click the 'toggle raw' button at the bottom and it will go away.
Any thoughts on my post #27 please.
I find that some of the titles in the CF Media List have underscores in them such as"Aircrash_ The miracle of__ 09-09-15.ts
I would find it more aesthetically pleasing if it were not to have the underscores, but I can't get my head round a sweeper rule that would do this.
Anybody help please?

filename _ action {renamefile {%orig%replace,_, ,}}

assuming you want to substitute spaces for the underscores.

filename _ action {renamefile {%orig%regsub,_+, ,}}

if you want to collapse multiple underscores into a single space.
Thanks. I'll have to try to sort out in my head %regsub though, as the wiki definition of "As replace but supports regular expressions." doesn't work for me. What is a 'regular expression', and how does it work in this case?
Seem to have screwed something to do with the sweeper rules text editor. I checked the 'Do not peter me with this 'Save' popup, and now it won't save my changes. I got round this by editing the .conf file. Rebooted but still no saving ability in the rules text editor. What's up doc?
You told your browser to stop showing any popups from that site, so now it won't show you them... you need to undo that somehow in the browser.
What is a 'regular expression', and how does it work in this case?
I'd start with Google, there are lots of tutorials about (avoid the Wikipedia page if you want a gentle introduction though!)

In a regular expression, the + character means that the preceding character can occur one or more times. So "_+" matches one or more underscore characters.