Yes thanks, I've downloaded it, renamed and copied it on to a USB stick. All ready to go when I get the time.
BTW this morning the unit had the red ring displayed and was frozen. Did power off/on and it worked immediately.
Checked the recordings; all there, the last one beginning at 0422 this morning. Crucially, this began after the daily update (is that still a thing? I used to have it disabled via web-if (is that still relevant now my package management list is empty, or is that a native humax thing that FW disabled?)
BTW this morning the unit had the red ring displayed and was frozen. Did power off/on and it worked immediately.
Checked the recordings; all there, the last one beginning at 0422 this morning. Crucially, this began after the daily update (is that still a thing? I used to have it disabled via web-if (is that still relevant now my package management list is empty, or is that a native humax thing that FW disabled?)