Are the telnet menu and the maintenance menu built-in, or do they have to be installed?
Last weekend I finally took the plunge and upgraded my HDR-FOX T2 to 1.0.32. I installed the 2.17 custom firmware and added the packages I wanted, especially Disable DSO and Disable OTA, plus the one that stops the device selection key presses on the remote being echoed on the screen. Everything looked good, so I decided to run a disk check (I'd had a few drop-outs when playing back recordings and I wasn't sure that they'd been present in the transmission, or were symptomatic of an HDD on its way out.) So I followed the excellent instructions in the Wiki and my HDD came out the other side with flying colours. Which was nice. The only thing was, I had to type all the commands at the humax# command prompt - none of the menus mentioned in the Wiki seemed to be there. Did I miss a step somewhere?
Last weekend I finally took the plunge and upgraded my HDR-FOX T2 to 1.0.32. I installed the 2.17 custom firmware and added the packages I wanted, especially Disable DSO and Disable OTA, plus the one that stops the device selection key presses on the remote being echoed on the screen. Everything looked good, so I decided to run a disk check (I'd had a few drop-outs when playing back recordings and I wasn't sure that they'd been present in the transmission, or were symptomatic of an HDD on its way out.) So I followed the excellent instructions in the Wiki and my HDD came out the other side with flying colours. Which was nice. The only thing was, I had to type all the commands at the humax# command prompt - none of the menus mentioned in the Wiki seemed to be there. Did I miss a step somewhere?