Top 500 Scheduled Recordings

Only programmes from your channels are included in the search when you click on a row.
If someone has set a recording then the programme will appear in the list, irrespective of whether or not your box has that programmes channel. If you do not have the programme's channel on your box then it will not show up when you select the programme from the list.
Is this a new package or an established package with a new option
Neither. It is not a package.
On the Remote Scheduling home page there is a list of the "Top 10" scheduled recordings of everyone who uses RS. This can be expanded to 500.
How not to post a thread: don't post a description of the problem in the title or the first post.
Since that does not apply to me
OK, so in what way does this describe where you are looking then?
How can programs appear on that list and when clicked : No results found.
Surely the art of getting a sensible answer is to pose a sensible question, but you (apparently) don't think it would have been better to put in enough detail to make it a sensible question:

"On the RS website Top Ten list, how can..."

The only reasonable conclusion is you like to be deliberately obscure. Same applies in that Foxsat thread - either the OP is more naive than he's willing to admit, or the first post was deliberately misleading. I'm not going to humour that kind of thing; if others want to waste their time that's up to them.
OK, so in what way does this describe where you are looking then?
WTF? How about: RTFT

Unbelievable. For anyone watching it is quite obvious you're trying to run some kind of vendetta. That's fine by me. I can take care of myself.

It's quite obvious for anyone wanting to help what I was referring to. I give you Luke
Pointing the finger at an honest poster shows him up in his real trolly colours
If you really are an honest poster and not a troll, start behaving - a good start would be to accept you could be wrong instead of getting all hoity-toity about it. This isn't about what I like or don't like, it's about being part of a community, posing questions in a way that doesn't make people guess what you mean, and not winding people up so they can't be bothered with you.

Read your first post and ask yourself whether anybody but you should know what it meant, apart from the few who might guess it was about RS - as typified here:
Is this a new package or an established package with a new option

The forum isn't about an individual posting a question and getting an individual reply, it is about sharing knowledge. Other people, less familiar with WebIF, RS, whatever, will also be reading the thread, and wondering what it is all about - all because you were too lazy to mention RS in the title or the OP, and too obstinate to accept you might be wrong.

Newbies' Guide to the Forum (click)

My honest advice: do not troll this post, unless you want to confirm your status as a troll.
If you really are an honest poster and not a troll, start behaving - a good start would be to accept you could be wrong instead of getting all hoity-toity about it.
How the devil am I wrong when the VERY FIRST PRIMO DI CAPI of the responders put his finger EXACTLY on the correct answer for the correct question?

Whilst you are at it answer this question as well: What is the purpose of your post #5 when the question HAS ALREADY been answered?

Any objective observer would see quite obviously that the first trolling post is #5