Dear clever people at
I'm really sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I've never really posted a question before. I've had a HDR FOX T2 and only recently came across and blindly managed to load the custom firmware and it has changed my useage of the box immeasurably. Thanks for that.
I visit Spain a lot and stay in a friends apartment that has an old ragged sky sd box playing on a nice new hd tv and it is like watching an old lady wearing a miniskirt! So, I've just purchased a FOXSAT HD box to take there and hopefully be able to watch sky (free) channels in decent HD.
My question is this: What I'd also like to do is to take my recorded content from my HDR FOX T2 freeview box and watch it while I'm there. I have a spare external hard drive floating around doing nothing. So:
1) Will it be possible
2) How do I go about doing it. I'd really love a detailed (idiot-proof) explanation, such has how to format the hard drive first (i.e. what file system to format in), how to transfer the files to the hard drive and how to be sure they will work on the foxsat box
3) Finally, will I be able to record stuff (from sky) using the foxsat HD box + the hard drive while I'm in Spain in the same way as I can record stuff on freeview at home using my HDR FOX T2 at home. i.e. just by pressing "record" on the guide?
I know that non-techy people like me can be a bit of a pain, but equally, we really apreaciate what you clever guys do and how kind you are in helping us...
I'm really sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I've never really posted a question before. I've had a HDR FOX T2 and only recently came across and blindly managed to load the custom firmware and it has changed my useage of the box immeasurably. Thanks for that.
I visit Spain a lot and stay in a friends apartment that has an old ragged sky sd box playing on a nice new hd tv and it is like watching an old lady wearing a miniskirt! So, I've just purchased a FOXSAT HD box to take there and hopefully be able to watch sky (free) channels in decent HD.
My question is this: What I'd also like to do is to take my recorded content from my HDR FOX T2 freeview box and watch it while I'm there. I have a spare external hard drive floating around doing nothing. So:
1) Will it be possible
2) How do I go about doing it. I'd really love a detailed (idiot-proof) explanation, such has how to format the hard drive first (i.e. what file system to format in), how to transfer the files to the hard drive and how to be sure they will work on the foxsat box
3) Finally, will I be able to record stuff (from sky) using the foxsat HD box + the hard drive while I'm in Spain in the same way as I can record stuff on freeview at home using my HDR FOX T2 at home. i.e. just by pressing "record" on the guide?
I know that non-techy people like me can be a bit of a pain, but equally, we really apreaciate what you clever guys do and how kind you are in helping us...