@Teg #51 - I don't know the capabilities of Wordpress or Blogger, but there's a good chance you can get the data in.
/mod/webif/html/tvdiary/day_view.jim is both a CGI and CLI program, and I've included the program /mod/sbin/tvdiary_publish.jim which renders to a temp file and FTPs that off to another server.
You could also have a machine, within your firewall, call curl to fetch the data. (I've had to use curl because wget doesn't handle digest authentication.)
Please be aware that although it's currently rendering an HTML table, I'm planning to change it to a more semantically descriptive XML, and to use CSS to style it as a table.
So if the blogs can embed XML and style it (which I would expect them to be able to do - it's 2013) then Bob's your uncle.
@4291 #53 - I didn't think anyone would be that bothered, although as your first experience will be to only see scheduled recordings, I can see it would be jarring. And it's only after recording has started that you see the subtle difference in presentation. As I typed the code to switch between "Recorded" and "To be recorded" I did hesitate and considered putting in "Recorded/To be recorded" for today's date. I'll reconsider that.
@cloud9 #55 & @4291 #59- I've spotted that a few times, but put it down to the fact that I keep changing scripts and stopping and starting things. I was going to keep an eye on the phenomenon and debug it once things quieten down.
I have a feeling that I ought to show which programs are still being recorded or played or watched. I keep seeing the short recording times, compare it with the scheduled duration, look at the end time, then look down at the clock on the bottom right of the screen, do a bit of mental arithmetic and then think to myself - ah it's still recording! In keeping with the "Don't Make Me Think" mantra of web usability (Steve Krug, 2006, New Riders press) I think it should be more obvious. (@4291 #53 - I probably made you think - I apologize!

I've modified the status checking to distinguish between playback and live watching. I'm basing live watching on access to the /mnt/hd2/Tsr/0.ts file (Time Shift Recording?) rather than the absence of watching anything else. This seems to be more accurate, and means that live watching at the same time as streaming to another device will be included, but it won't think you're watching live when you're in the TV Portal, as it used to do.
I know some of you won't be happy at including yet more live watching! So I've implemented an option to exclude ALL live watching from the DB. I haven't added a UI for changing it yet though; it's just a value you can change at the top of the tvdiary_status.jim file for the moment.
Alternatively, you can include live watching to the DB and then use CSS to change how those rows are displayed, since I'm flagging it in an attribute. I'll explain more when I re-release the package.
There's one corner case where live watching can't be detected. That's when you're recording a program (scheduled or hitting the record button live) and you're also watching the same program REALLY LIVE. That is, not paused at all. In that case humaxtv has the named recording file open and no Tsr/0.ts file. If you pause it does start accessing the Tsr file, but if you fast forward to the end, and the TV screen says "Live broadcast", it stops using the Tsr file.
I figure that most PVR users will choose to chase play a recorded program through the MEDIA button rather than watch it live, but then I don't watch X Factor etc or live tweet about a program. Those people might want to watch live in order to be right up to the moment. Although, why you'd want to record and see X Factor twice is totally beyond me!
Anyway, in that case there'd be a record of you recording the show, but not of having watched it then. If you subsequently do play the recording that will of course be shown.