Active Member
Hi there...
I've uploaded a new version of TV Diary: tvdiary_0.0.2-1_mipsel.opk
* There were parts of the UI that were still making me think more than I should when using it. It seemed particularly wrong that while the last recording of the day was still proceeding the table heading said "Nothing to record". That was obviously a lie. So, it now adds up the remaining recording time (within the day) for all active recordings and adds it to the heading. It also shows the projected end time of the programme in the times column, dashed and italic to follow the future event style.

* Fixed problems around the day change, including the start of day offset. This was a devil to debug, and I've had to pass the browser's time on the URL to the web server for consistency, although the reported times for recording and watching are a minute out on my machines. So at 4:00am it can take a minute or 2 to start showing activity. Goodness knows what'll happen at the GMT/BST changeover. Sky+ used to get it wrong year after year.
* Also on the day change, if you have the day start set as 04:00 and go to TV Diary at 01:00 on Tuesday it defaults to showing you Monday's TV, as you've not reached the end of the TV day yet. It's like you're in a strange TV timezone!
* Fixed the split recording events, which were caused by the video file not growing within a 3 second period. Showed up a lot recording the Lords on BBC Parliament - they don't move about enough to cause the Humax to flush its buffers. The file sizes are checked over a 10 second period.
* I found and fixed a bug that caused split playback events if a chased recording ended in the 10 second gap between checking the file lengths. (The bug, only checking the second set of data for -1, rather than both, is shared with status. But there it's less likely with a 3 second wait, and the results are less visible.)
* I also changed over to check the actual video file sizes rather than use the output from lsof. Its documentation says it should be the file size, but I'm pretty sure I don't have a file 28259039358088276 bytes long! It increments by roughly 1 per second, so it's possibly a hybrid value that includes a count of buffer flushes? Anyway, I'll stick with explicitly getting the size of the file.
* I've removed the .jim extensions from the scripts in /mod/sbin to be more Unix-like. To retain the benefit of syntax highlighting in my editor I've set up a directory of symbolic links outside the package source tree. I've got the source up on GitHub if you're interested.
* You can no longer click on a new date when the page is busy fetching the details of another date. This bug had been self-correcting but messy looking.
* I think I've finally sorted out detecting watching live TV, by adding the assumption that if you are recording a channel, and that channel is the selected one for live viewing, and you're not watching anything else or in standby, then you must be watching that channel live as well. If you have any channel other than one that's recording selected, then it assumes the box is idle. The only two times this falls down is when you go into the TV Portal and you aren't yet watching streamed video. Or if you are watching live, but someone else is streaming a video off the Humax.
Known issues:
* Occasional database is locked errors. This can appear in the recording or watching tables, or in the tvdiary.log file. In the web you can just select the day again and it refreshes correctly. If it's in the log then the worst that can happen is that a programme start or finish is out by 1 minute.
* Live watching corner case noted above. And, if you pause for a long time, it'll think you're still watching when the next programme starts.
Hopefully this is a stable release, and I can get down to leisurely watching TV, instead of cramming in 30 hours of recording a day for testing!
I've uploaded a new version of TV Diary: tvdiary_0.0.2-1_mipsel.opk
* There were parts of the UI that were still making me think more than I should when using it. It seemed particularly wrong that while the last recording of the day was still proceeding the table heading said "Nothing to record". That was obviously a lie. So, it now adds up the remaining recording time (within the day) for all active recordings and adds it to the heading. It also shows the projected end time of the programme in the times column, dashed and italic to follow the future event style.

* Fixed problems around the day change, including the start of day offset. This was a devil to debug, and I've had to pass the browser's time on the URL to the web server for consistency, although the reported times for recording and watching are a minute out on my machines. So at 4:00am it can take a minute or 2 to start showing activity. Goodness knows what'll happen at the GMT/BST changeover. Sky+ used to get it wrong year after year.
* Also on the day change, if you have the day start set as 04:00 and go to TV Diary at 01:00 on Tuesday it defaults to showing you Monday's TV, as you've not reached the end of the TV day yet. It's like you're in a strange TV timezone!
* Fixed the split recording events, which were caused by the video file not growing within a 3 second period. Showed up a lot recording the Lords on BBC Parliament - they don't move about enough to cause the Humax to flush its buffers. The file sizes are checked over a 10 second period.
* I found and fixed a bug that caused split playback events if a chased recording ended in the 10 second gap between checking the file lengths. (The bug, only checking the second set of data for -1, rather than both, is shared with status. But there it's less likely with a 3 second wait, and the results are less visible.)
* I also changed over to check the actual video file sizes rather than use the output from lsof. Its documentation says it should be the file size, but I'm pretty sure I don't have a file 28259039358088276 bytes long! It increments by roughly 1 per second, so it's possibly a hybrid value that includes a count of buffer flushes? Anyway, I'll stick with explicitly getting the size of the file.
* I've removed the .jim extensions from the scripts in /mod/sbin to be more Unix-like. To retain the benefit of syntax highlighting in my editor I've set up a directory of symbolic links outside the package source tree. I've got the source up on GitHub if you're interested.
* You can no longer click on a new date when the page is busy fetching the details of another date. This bug had been self-correcting but messy looking.
* I think I've finally sorted out detecting watching live TV, by adding the assumption that if you are recording a channel, and that channel is the selected one for live viewing, and you're not watching anything else or in standby, then you must be watching that channel live as well. If you have any channel other than one that's recording selected, then it assumes the box is idle. The only two times this falls down is when you go into the TV Portal and you aren't yet watching streamed video. Or if you are watching live, but someone else is streaming a video off the Humax.
Known issues:
* Occasional database is locked errors. This can appear in the recording or watching tables, or in the tvdiary.log file. In the web you can just select the day again and it refreshes correctly. If it's in the log then the worst that can happen is that a programme start or finish is out by 1 minute.
* Live watching corner case noted above. And, if you pause for a long time, it'll think you're still watching when the next programme starts.
Hopefully this is a stable release, and I can get down to leisurely watching TV, instead of cramming in 30 hours of recording a day for testing!
