Please select option: fixdisk
Any additional options (-h for list or press return for none): -d -l -y
Are you sure you wish to run the hard disk checker (-d -l -y)? [Y/N] y
Running /bin/fix-disk
PART: [3 1 2]
Checking disk sda (4096 byte sectors)
Unmounted /dev/sda1
Unmounted /dev/sda2
Unmounted /dev/sda3
Running long disk self test
No pending sector errors found
Checking partition tables...
MBR Status: MBR only
GPT Status: not present
Using superblock 0 on sda1
Using superblock 0 on sda2
Using superblock 0 on sda3
Sun Oct 29 03:50:24 GMT 2017: Checking partition /dev/sda3...
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 1: Memory used: 240k/0k (157k/84k), time: 7.84/ 2.11/ 4.49
Pass 1: I/O read: 163MB, write: 0MB, rate: 20.79MB/s
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 2: Memory used: 340k/0k (259k/82k), time: 0.02/ 0.00/ 0.01
Pass 2: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Peak memory: Memory used: 340k/0k (259k/82k), time: 8.47/ 2.38/ 4.56
/lost+found not found. Create? yes
Pass 3A: Memory used: 340k/0k (263k/78k), time: 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00
Pass 3A: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 3: Memory used: 340k/0k (263k/78k), time: 0.79/ 0.07/ 0.05
Pass 3: I/O read: 1MB, write: 0MB, rate: 1.26MB/s
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 4: Memory used: 340k/0k (57k/284k), time: 1.01/ 1.00/ 0.00
Pass 4: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Pass 5: Memory used: 340k/0k (53k/288k), time: 1.94/ 1.88/ 0.02
Pass 5: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
hmx_int_stor: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
13 inodes used (0.00%, out of 655776)
0 non-contiguous files (0.0%)
0 non-contiguous directories (0.0%)
# of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 1/1/0
112534 blocks used (4.29%, out of 2622611)
0 bad blocks
1 large file
2 regular files
1 directory
0 character device files
0 block device files
0 fifos
0 links
0 symbolic links (0 fast symbolic links)
0 sockets
3 files
Memory used: 340k/0k (53k/288k), time: 12.30/ 5.33/ 4.66
I/O read: 165MB, write: 1MB, rate: 13.41MB/s
Sun Oct 29 03:50:37 GMT 2017
Sun Oct 29 03:50:37 GMT 2017: Checking partition /dev/sda1...
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 1: Memory used: 140k/0k (62k/79k), time: 0.82/ 0.24/ 0.43
Pass 1: I/O read: 17MB, write: 0MB, rate: 20.80MB/s
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 2: Memory used: 140k/0k (72k/69k), time: 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00
Pass 2: I/O read: 1MB, write: 0MB, rate: 783.09MB/s
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Peak memory: Memory used: 140k/0k (72k/69k), time: 0.96/ 0.26/ 0.44
/lost+found not found. Create? yes
Pass 3A: Memory used: 140k/0k (73k/68k), time: 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00
Pass 3A: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 3: Memory used: 140k/0k (72k/69k), time: 0.09/ 0.01/ 0.00
Pass 3: I/O read: 1MB, write: 0MB, rate: 11.57MB/s
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 4: Memory used: 140k/0k (51k/90k), time: 0.10/ 0.09/ 0.00
Pass 4: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Pass 5: Memory used: 140k/0k (50k/91k), time: 0.23/ 0.22/ 0.00
Pass 5: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
hmx_int_stor: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
15 inodes used (0.02%, out of 65808)
1 non-contiguous file (6.7%)
0 non-contiguous directories (0.0%)
# of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 2/1/0
15436 blocks used (5.87%, out of 263062)
0 bad blocks
1 large file
3 regular files
2 directories
0 character device files
0 block device files
0 fifos
0 links
0 symbolic links (0 fast symbolic links)
0 sockets
5 files
Memory used: 140k/0k (50k/91k), time: 1.41/ 0.60/ 0.45
I/O read: 17MB, write: 1MB, rate: 12.10MB/s
Sun Oct 29 03:50:39 GMT 2017
Creating swap file...
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1073737728 bytes
Sun Oct 29 03:51:01 GMT 2017: Checking partition /dev/sda2...
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 1: Memory used: 1772k/468k (1184k/589k), time: 148.07/19.78/11.01
Pass 1: I/O read: 472MB, write: 0MB, rate: 3.19MB/s
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 2: Memory used: 1772k/468k (1473k/300k), time: 1.82/ 0.40/ 0.12
Pass 2: I/O read: 4MB, write: 0MB, rate: 2.20MB/s
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Peak memory: Memory used: 1772k/468k (1473k/300k), time: 154.41/24.29/11.22
Pass 3A: Memory used: 1772k/468k (1484k/289k), time: 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00
Pass 3A: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 3: Memory used: 1772k/468k (1469k/304k), time: 0.07/ 0.04/ 0.00
Pass 3: I/O read: 1MB, write: 0MB, rate: 15.32MB/s
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 4: Memory used: 1772k/468k (836k/937k), time: 3.93/ 3.82/ 0.09
Pass 4: I/O read: 0MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.00MB/s
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Pass 5: Memory used: 1772k/468k (826k/947k), time: 158.09/22.95/ 7.37
Pass 5: I/O read: 116MB, write: 0MB, rate: 0.73MB/s
7126 inodes used (0.38%, out of 1896576)
7 non-contiguous files (0.1%)
7 non-contiguous directories (0.1%)
# of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 247/10/0
1311295 blocks used (0.27%, out of 485492331)
0 bad blocks
1 large file
5728 regular files
318 directories
2 character device files
0 block device files
0 fifos
2 links
1069 symbolic links (1069 fast symbolic links)
0 sockets
7119 files
Memory used: 1772k/468k (826k/947k), time: 316.61/51.10/18.70
I/O read: 593MB, write: 1MB, rate: 1.88MB/s
Sun Oct 29 03:56:18 GMT 2017
Removing extra swap space.
fix-disk: session terminated with exit status 0