No idea what happens when the disk gets full, I too would also like to know the steps it takes, warnings it gives, or does it simply stop recording right in the middle of the programme?
Yup, it just stops. (Have been there and got that postcard quite a few times

It records whatever it can until the memory runs out.
On the media list the counter on the top right goes, all too quickly, from showing GBs to showing MBs which count down until it reaches zero MB.
I haven't seen any advance warnings that give you time to take action - if there are any, I missed them, but I think when it has completely run out, a message is flashed up on screen to say that there's no memory space left. No more alerts appear.
After that, any scheduled recordings are fired up and then closed down immediately, so the ring shows blue not red.
Programme titles of scheduled recordings that fail due to lack of memory are placed in folders as usual, with the correct name, date and time - but say zero mins and no channel or programme info attached. These are just placeholders - if you click play, the screen goes black and back to the media list. So you have a marker that showed it tried and failed to record.
A .ts file appears in the file system with the usual format title of Prog-name_date_time, but it is empty, sized 0.0 bytes. It also has the usual sidecar files attached.
So even though the recording failed completely, the filesystem shows:
Prog-name_date_time.hmt, size 14 KB
Prog-name_date_time.nts, size approx 3,000 KB
Prog-name_date_time.thm, size 43 KB
Prog-name_date_time.ts, size 0 KB
(edited to correct my original statement that there are no sidecar files, I was wrong!)
Incidentally, in Web-IF these empty files get a shrunk icon by them instantly, presumably because they meet the criteria of a shrunken file. A little misleading!