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Webif not working


Hi Folks.
I have a problem! Whilst updating/ removing unwanted webif packages I have stopped webif from working. I can see the MY VIDEO etc directory on the network, (but not the webif directory) & rs still works, The Portal works also from the TV end (so the network connection seems to be ok?). I think my problem is that I have corrupted part of the webif package. I have returned the HDR to the official firmware 1.o2.20 and then re applied the 1.02.20_mod 2. This didn't work. It seems I need network access to the webif packages and delete them, but I have no idea how too. Any ideas folks?
Gain access via telnet and type (humax# prompt shown for context)

humax# opkg install webif --force-reinstall

Do you know which package caused this when removed?
(I started replying before there were any other replies)

Just reinstalling the firmware doesn't clear out the software element.

In the Index under Custom Software.. Installing Modified Software.. Resetting Modified Software from Telnet, see THIS (click).
Telnet is a skill you need from time to time. Info in the Trail Guide (end of post 3). Try af123's incantation first.

Killing mongoose would have done it, because that's the web server!
I now have the MS telnet window running. Have tried open humax#
I get Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: connection failed
What am I doing wrong?
You need to use the command "o" for open. Before you do that, "unset crlf" will make things less confusing. So, from the start:

unset crlf
o <ip address>

..should get you the humax# prompt (the command prompt on the Humax command line, telling you you've got contact)


opkg install webif --force-reinstall

I don't know if there is a correct procedure to close the Telnet session again, I just kill it off.
Thanx Black Hole, but....
still getting Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: connection failed
Thanx Black Hole, but....
still getting Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: connection failed
Are you definitely running custom firmware at the moment? The telnet server is not available with the stock one.

Otherwise, are you certain the IP address you're using is correct? With MS telnet, it should be shown as part of the error message.
Microsoft Telnet> unset crlf
Microsoft Telnet> o
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed
The ip address is correct. I can download files via explorer. The full error message is:
<ip address> Could not open cennection to the host, on port 23: connection failed
What if telnet is not installed on the Humax?
The ip address is correct. I can download files via explorer. The full error message is:
<ip address> Could not open cennection to the host, on port 23: connection failed
What if telnet is not installed on the Humax?

If you can download files via explorer (do you mean Internet Explorer or are you accessing the Humax as a file share?) then it sounds like mongoose is actually running, can you try:

http://<ip address>/cgi-bin/cfwreset.cgi

in your browser?
Otherwise, you can force a complete custom firmware reset using FTP - either betaftpd or the Humax built-in server is fine. Just use FTP to place a file at the top level of "My Video" called _RESET_CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_ENVIRONMENT and reboot.
If you can download files via explorer (do you mean Internet Explorer or are you accessing the Humax as a file share?) then it sounds like mongoose is actually running, can you try:

http://<ip address>/cgi-bin/cfwreset.cgi

in your browser?

get problem loading page error in browser