Still a problem on the current Chrome, I'm afraid. Version 26.0.1410.64 m.
Some patterns in the behaviour that I've noticed:
Observed effect: The file info pop-ups lose their background and formatting; the EPG list has no grid formatting at all and is just a long list of programme names; buttons are un-styled. The data on the page is correct; just that the styling is missing or incomplete.
Affected pages: I've observed the problem on the EPG (/cgi-bin/xepg.jim) and the file list (/browse/index.jim), but no other pages so far.
Patterns in repeatability: The problem never occurs when a page has been refreshed (Ctrl-F5). It only ever happens when navigating from one page to another. A full page refresh always fixes the problem for me, but then it re-occurs when navigating back to the pages.
Patterns in HTTP headers: There is a difference between HTTP requests which result in a broken page versus a correctly rendered page. The difference is that the correctly rendered page always has the following HTTP parameters in the request header:
Conversely, these HTTP parameters are always missing in the instances where the page ends up broken. Of course, this isn't necessarily causal, and it means little to me... But it might help to point at where the problem lies? It does feel like part of the page isn't being loaded into the browser correctly - like some of the CSS definitions or something?
I've made some screenshots of the captured HTTP responses. The first shows when the page worked, and the second when it failed:
View attachment 539 View attachment 540
HTTP violations in general: I don't think this is necessarily related to the problem; but my Fiddler proxy reports an HTTP protocol violation on every page that the Hummy serves. This violation is that the response has no Content-Length or "connection close" - but, that affects every page regardless of success.
My web-if: This is important..! I'm still on 0.13.3-4. So even though this is being discussed in the 1.0.0 thread, it's important to note that this Chrome problem affects the previous version of web-if.
Hope that helps.