BT overnight work probably. I've had a couple of disconnects from remote servers.
What does this say:thanks, but given opkg works...?
I've had this for several days now - apols, I should have said that earlier, too...
humax# jimsh /mod/webif/cgi-bin/opkg.jim
What does this say:
Code:humax# jimsh /mod/webif/cgi-bin/opkg.jim
humax1# jimsh /mod/webif/cgi-bin/opkg.jim
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; no-cache
Expires: -1
Connection: close
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
!! ERROR - No network connectivity to package repository !!
Check your Internet connection and DNS service and then try again.
proc {system connectivity} {{site ""}} {
if {[catch {exec /bin/ping -4 -c 2 -W 3 -w 3 -q $site >/dev/null}]} {
return 0
return 1
humax1# ping -4 -c 2 -W 3 -w 3 -q
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
You'd have to ask af123 or check old versions of the webif package.I wonder if this ping test was added recently?
Af123, would it be possible to add the channel icon to the other icons that appear after the file name in webif media view?. I record and archive quite a few films & dramas and this option would make it much easier to assess if a better quality recording is available in the schedule. I am thinking in terms a of Ch4 over Film4 or ITV1 over ITV3 not HD over SD which is already available.
Af123, I have a low priority request, would it be possible to have the option NOT to show these channel icons, possibly in the same way you made it possible to remove the genre icons?This will be in the next release.
Af123, I have a low priority request, would it be possible to have the option NOT to show these channel icons, possibly in the same way you made it possible to remove the genre icons?
This is done by adding the following lineHow can you hide the genre icons? They are often wrong anyway.
AddAf123, I have a low priority request, would it be possible to have the option NOT to show these channel icons, possibly in the same way you made it possible to remove the genre icons?
Af123, I have a low priority request, would it be possible to have the option NOT to show these channel icons, possibly in the same way you made it possible to remove the genre icons?
I have just got round to trying this, and it seems to have done the job, Thanks.Add
img.browsechannel { display: none; }
to /mod/webif/html/css/EXTRA.css is the default IP address for WiFi, before a DHCP request sets the right IP address provided by the router. It must be being picked up in error by the WebIF process.
Are you using DHCP? What happens if you switch to manual?