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[webif] Web Interface version 1.2.0 released

I an not getting any error messages. @af123, are you saying I should be seeing a repeated message in the auto.log? If so, I can confirm that there are no errors there.

Does that mean this update would not have fixed the incidents I have recently had?

I have set the same box to record the same programme on BBC Three HD tonight to see what happens in the morning. (Webif updated)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Yes - usually people get a lot of errors on the main screen of the webif when logging in because auto has been failing to decrypt the recordings. Obviously this only for people with recursive auto-decrypt enabled. Now it's going to fix it automatically (and still log the problem once). There are two ways that the encryption flags can end up wrong and maybe you're experiencing the other one? In that case, automatic fixing would probably involve a new package utilising recmon to catch recordings as they complete.
That explains it. I don't use auto-decrypt and let the Humax decrypt as at copies to USB.

I do shrink everything on the two secondary boxes though, as these usually only record stuff I will probably like to keep. I am sure that this is not creating the problem as the fixencflag diagnostic reported and fixed a problem in the dustbin copy as well.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Unfortunately I only have the source code to an older version of auto-unprotect so I can't add the fix there even though it would really be the best place for it. I could use the recmon package to check all completed recordings though but for now I've just updated the auto part of the web interface to fix the problem when it finds it rather than posting those warning messages to the interface. It won't fix all cases of mixed up flags though unfortunately but it will fix those where you are currently getting the same error message every 10 minutes.
Is there any downside to this - is there any chance that it will "fix" flags that don't need fixing?

With no xyz321 and no up to date source code, maybe you need to rewrite auto-unprotect (sorry) - but with all the water under the bridge since then it ought to be easy peasy for you! :)
If the fixencflag diagnostic fixes both causes of the problem, isn't one solution simply to have that run routinely a few times each day - every ten minutes seems possibly a bit OTT Subject, of course to BH's concern above.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Last edited:
With no xyz321 and no up to date source code, maybe you need to rewrite auto-unprotect (sorry) - but with all the water under the bridge since then it ought to be easy peasy for you! :)
auto-unprotect was originally written by me based on a combination of the .hmt un-protection method discovered by raydon and the DLNA server method which was discovered by ratx. Then xyz321 came along with fast-unprotect which was so much better that it was renamed auto-unprotect and replaced the original package.
I have a starting point as I have the code for version 1.0.6 but I'd need to rediscover the problems that were fixed up to 1.0.9. I know that 1.0.7 fixed compatibility with firmwares 1.03.xx for example.
I've emailed xyz321 on all of the addresses I have for him.. if no response, I'll have a look at building a new version of the package with the additional fixes in.
I have written a new version of auto-unprotect which automatically clears the Enc flag from new high definition recordings (as the old one does) but then also checks the encryption flags and fixes them if necessary. It isn't in the main repository yet until it's run on my box for a while but if anyone is willing to test it then please install it by running the au2-beta diagnostic.
humax ~ # diag au2-beta
Running: au2-beta
Downloading http://hpkg.tv/hdrfoxt2/test/auto-unprotect_2.0.0_mipsel.opk.
Upgrading auto-unprotect on root from 1.0.9 to 2.0.0...
Installing recmon (2.0.2) to root...
Downloading http://hpkg.tv/hdrfoxt2/base/recmon_2.0.2_mipsel.opk.
Removing obsolete file /mod/sbin/auto-unprotectd.
Configuring recmon.
Configuring auto-unprotect.
humax ~ # Updating DLNA database...
system, unknown command "dlnadb": should be busy, classname, classvars, connectivity, destroy, dirinuse, disk, diskdev, diskfree, diskpart, diskspace, display, dustbin, dustbinsize, eval, fhtcpversion, filename, finalize, get, has, hostname, instandby, inuse, ip, is_listening, kernelver, listening, mediaroot, method, methods, mkdir_p, modbuild, model, modversion, new, notify, padding, param, pkginst, pkgver, reboot, restartpending, rmdir_if_empty, serialno, strip, uptime, usbdisks, usbmounts, vars
Reference time: 1422363735
Scanning disk...
Updating DLNA database...
system, unknown command "dlnadb": should be busy, classname, classvars, connectivity, destroy, dirinuse, disk, diskdev, diskfree, diskpart, diskspace, display, dustbin, dustbinsize, eval, fhtcpversion, filename, finalize, get, has, hostname, instandby, inuse, ip, is_listening, kernelver, listening, mediaroot, method, methods, mkdir_p, modbuild, model, modversion, new, notify, padding, param, pkginst, pkgver, reboot, restartpending, rmdir_if_empty, serialno, strip, uptime, usbdisks, usbmounts, vars
It's stuck there now...
 1580 ?      SNl   0:00 /mod/sbin/auto-unprotectd -d /mnt/hd2/dms_cds.db /med
26107 pts/0  SNs+  0:00 /mod/bin/busybox/sh -l
26268 pts/0  SN    0:00 /mod/sbin/recmon
26670 ?      SN    0:00 sleep 5
26671 pts/1  SNs   0:00 /mod/bin/busybox/sh -l
26688 pts/1  RN+   0:00 ps x
Still seem to have the old daemon running? Presumably it's recmon that is blocking the other session.
Oh it's not blocked... I missed the prompt in the middle of the output. Guess I should kill 1580 though?
The dlnadb error is because you need webif 1.2.0-6 which I hadn't uploaded. Fixed now (but it shouldn't have affected much)
You'll need to kill the old auto-unprotectd - I'll add that to the postinst script in the package for other people though.
I have upgraded one of my boxes to auto-unprotect 2.0.0, and will see how it goes.
I have noticed that auto dedup is acting strangely.

I have set my box to record Father Brown series 2 which is being repeated this week, some episodes of which I already have.

Monday: renamed & kept latest recording as expected. Moved old file to _duplicates.

Tuesday: ditto

Wednesday: kept old recording and renamed only the file name but not the media name on moving the new recording to _duplicates

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
1.2.0 (05/01/2015)
  • Media eject via icon at top left (HDR model only, when USB drives are detected);
  • Show blue guidance icon for programmes with general guidance and a red one for adult content. Icon is also shown in EPG listings;
  • New log viewer;
  • Add icons to OPT+ context menus (some copied from raydon's Foxsat package - thanks!);
  • Improvements to service management;
  • Improved page loading times;
  • JQuery upgrade;
  • Sort JQuery plugin includes by path length;
  • Detect COM6 MUX via ITV4 (fix from prpr);
  • Disable legacy rt3070 package if found.
I'm a newbie. My system keeps updating webif "Automatically upgraded package webif from 1.2.0-5 to 1.2.0-6"
Is this correct, if so can I track the changes?
Yes this is correct; if you don't want it to update automatically you can remove the auto-update package. The logs you see are tracking the changes!
The dash releases like 1.2.0-6 are interim releases so don't have their own release notes. Once they are rolled up into the next version (1.2.1 in this case) then the release notes will be updated for that version.