humax ~ # diag au2-beta
Running: au2-beta
Upgrading auto-unprotect on root from 1.0.9 to 2.0.0...
Installing recmon (2.0.2) to root...
Removing obsolete file /mod/sbin/auto-unprotectd.
Configuring recmon.
Configuring auto-unprotect.
humax ~ # Updating DLNA database...
system, unknown command "dlnadb": should be busy, classname, classvars, connectivity, destroy, dirinuse, disk, diskdev, diskfree, diskpart, diskspace, display, dustbin, dustbinsize, eval, fhtcpversion, filename, finalize, get, has, hostname, instandby, inuse, ip, is_listening, kernelver, listening, mediaroot, method, methods, mkdir_p, modbuild, model, modversion, new, notify, padding, param, pkginst, pkgver, reboot, restartpending, rmdir_if_empty, serialno, strip, uptime, usbdisks, usbmounts, vars
Reference time: 1422363735
Scanning disk...
Updating DLNA database...
system, unknown command "dlnadb": should be busy, classname, classvars, connectivity, destroy, dirinuse, disk, diskdev, diskfree, diskpart, diskspace, display, dustbin, dustbinsize, eval, fhtcpversion, filename, finalize, get, has, hostname, instandby, inuse, ip, is_listening, kernelver, listening, mediaroot, method, methods, mkdir_p, modbuild, model, modversion, new, notify, padding, param, pkginst, pkgver, reboot, restartpending, rmdir_if_empty, serialno, strip, uptime, usbdisks, usbmounts, vars