On the subject of seeing spelling errors on things you're not reading a few posts back, I spotted this while looking up something on a local trading estate.
My first thought was the BBC had done one of their periodic changes of CRID for the news. But it was marked to record in the schedule and future ones were also marked too so I just took it as one of those things that happen. The lack of any warning about the non-recording was odd.
The BBC early evening news of Friday 8th - during Wimbledon - was scheduled for recording here but there was no trace of it. Nothing in the activity log and no warning of a failed recordiing. The following local news was recorded OK.
What model? The original 500GB ones and presumably the 1TB ones too were Seagate Pipeline.
[Edit] Suprised BH didn't jump in there and point out it had been there in the SMART screenshot posted earlier, where it's shown as a WD5000AVDS.
Countryfile tonight. Wasn't actually watching it and didn't have my glasses on but still spotted this from across the room so why couldn't someone at BBC Studios Bristol?
I may well take you up on that.
Puzzles me why the Win7 PC/server never went to sleep when there was an SMB share from the Humax. I'll run it up tonight to see there was something else going on that I wasn't aware of.
FWIW Nirsoft's WakeMeOnLan utility works nicely for doing WoL things, be it...
It would only be kept awake for as long as the HDR was on, which is surely what's wanted.
Situation here is I've recently changed the main/serving PC from one running Win7 to one with Win10. Never had to keep the W7 machine awake when the HDR was on but the W10 one will sometimes go to sleep...
Renaming the 'wakeConstantly?' folder under Modsettings/smb to 'wakeConstantly' seems to work as intended. But after a reboot it's back to 'wakeConstantly?' which rather defeats things. Am I missing something?
I know it wasn't being broadcast at the time but it would have meant it was 'in the system' for want of a better term. Looking at the schedule it actually went out four times yesterday.
That sounds like it could have been from The Food Chain. It's scheduled to go out twice today on the BBC World Service.
On the subject of seeing spelling errors on things you're not reading a few posts back, I spotted this while looking up something on a local trading estate.
My first thought was the BBC had done one of their periodic changes of CRID for the news. But it was marked to record in the schedule and future ones were also marked too so I just took it as one of those things that happen. The lack of any warning about the non-recording was odd.
The BBC early evening news of Friday 8th - during Wimbledon - was scheduled for recording here but there was no trace of it. Nothing in the activity log and no warning of a failed recordiing. The following local news was recorded OK.
What model? The original 500GB ones and presumably the 1TB ones too were Seagate Pipeline.
[Edit] Suprised BH didn't jump in there and point out it had been there in the SMART screenshot posted earlier, where it's shown as a WD5000AVDS.
Countryfile tonight. Wasn't actually watching it and didn't have my glasses on but still spotted this from across the room so why couldn't someone at BBC Studios Bristol?
I may well take you up on that.
Puzzles me why the Win7 PC/server never went to sleep when there was an SMB share from the Humax. I'll run it up tonight to see there was something else going on that I wasn't aware of.
FWIW Nirsoft's WakeMeOnLan utility works nicely for doing WoL things, be it...
It would only be kept awake for as long as the HDR was on, which is surely what's wanted.
Situation here is I've recently changed the main/serving PC from one running Win7 to one with Win10. Never had to keep the W7 machine awake when the HDR was on but the W10 one will sometimes go to sleep...
Renaming the 'wakeConstantly?' folder under Modsettings/smb to 'wakeConstantly' seems to work as intended. But after a reboot it's back to 'wakeConstantly?' which rather defeats things. Am I missing something?
I know it wasn't being broadcast at the time but it would have meant it was 'in the system' for want of a better term. Looking at the schedule it actually went out four times yesterday.
That sounds like it could have been from The Food Chain. It's scheduled to go out twice today on the BBC World Service.
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