A couple of time in the last few days, I've pressed the "media" button on the remote, and nothing happens. Its as if there is no disk attached.
A reboot usually fixes it, but not always at the 1st attempt. Even a power off by the switch at the back didn't help. A few reboots later and...
Yes, I have seen something similar. Happened maybe 4 times in the past 6 months. I too have the Disable OTA package installed. I have noticed that the auto schedule restore doesn't work in this situation. I have to manually restore from an 'n-1' backup. Don't know if that's related?
Sunlight shining directly on the unit? I've noticed over the last few weeks, at a certain time of the day when the sun shines directly onto our TV and Humax, neither the TV nor the Humax remotes work unless I move closer. That'll teach me to watch telly when the sun is shining :).
Actually, on closer inspection, our aerial is rotated 90 degrees to the one in my previous link. The prongs at the back are vertical. I guess this explains why we're not getting COM 7 (which is only transmitting horizontal).
The formatting of the mobile RS site on Chrome appears to have gone wrong.
The native browser on my HTC One is fine, but on Chrome, the formatting is all over the place!
I'll try to post an example
A couple of time in the last few days, I've pressed the "media" button on the remote, and nothing happens. Its as if there is no disk attached.
A reboot usually fixes it, but not always at the 1st attempt. Even a power off by the switch at the back didn't help. A few reboots later and...
Yes, I have seen something similar. Happened maybe 4 times in the past 6 months. I too have the Disable OTA package installed. I have noticed that the auto schedule restore doesn't work in this situation. I have to manually restore from an 'n-1' backup. Don't know if that's related?
Sunlight shining directly on the unit? I've noticed over the last few weeks, at a certain time of the day when the sun shines directly onto our TV and Humax, neither the TV nor the Humax remotes work unless I move closer. That'll teach me to watch telly when the sun is shining :).
Actually, on closer inspection, our aerial is rotated 90 degrees to the one in my previous link. The prongs at the back are vertical. I guess this explains why we're not getting COM 7 (which is only transmitting horizontal).
The formatting of the mobile RS site on Chrome appears to have gone wrong.
The native browser on my HTC One is fine, but on Chrome, the formatting is all over the place!
I'll try to post an example
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