I've run fixdisk via telnet - nothing to report; everything was ok. At this point should I do a factory reset and re-install the custom software? If so is there a way of saving and importing my 'saved' programmes? I've guessing any scheduling will disappear.
There is nothing in the logs and the disk check looks ok. I've also attached my system info - I might be well out of date. How would I go about resetting the custom firmware?
It has been a long time since I had to renumber my TV channels. I have install tunefix but do not know how to access/use it. I'm sure the last time I re numbered channels access was at the bottom of the EPG Page. Now it says to visit Settings but there is nothing there to help me. Under Web...
Today I can't get a connection - nothing changed. Filezilla says:
0:40:34 Error: Could not connect to server
20:40:34 Status: Waiting to retry...
20:40:39 Status: Connecting to
20:40:39 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
How very odd - it is now all working???? The only thing I did that is different is going into the menu and putting in the code to access Parental Control. 0000 let me in so I did not previously change the pin. I have transferred two files successfully via ftp using two different apps (I...
Spent days trying to get into hummy from my linux box - been working for years; not sure why it is suddenly playing up. I've almost exhausted everything so beginiing to wonder if in the past I changed the default password. Is there any way to change the ftp password? I have many recordings and...
Apologies to all - I completely forgot about yotube-dl. The hunax portal has always appeared (to me) to add very little value. I have downloaded the program I wanted via youtube. Thanks.
I tried to save a streamed 1 hour program and it started the saving process the normal way - then a message appeared on the screen Refreshing Page. The page did refresh and the saved file was of the order of 500Mb rather than, say, 2Gb. Any advice on why this happened appreciated.
OK - I think you might be able to help me here as I have just ran another test. The iplayer program I recorded this morning (1 hour long) that came up as 655mb was an episode of Shetland. At 14.30 there was rugby on itv so I hit the pause key thinking the box would start to fill up its...
Yes and no. I haven't actually viewed the recording because when I look at it in My/Video list it says it is something like 14 minutes or 15 minutes long. I have assumed the 14 minutes/665mb relates to only having recorded that amount of the program - I'm thinking it should be saying something...
I've been on holiday so apologies for delay. I have tried a wireless connection between my router and hummy box and still cannot get a proper 'recording' (1 hour program comes up as 665mb). I have just run a long ethernet cable between router and hummy box (about 3m) and again, the 1 hour...
I'm downloading via youtube-dl as I write but I've also ran fix-disk to make sure my hummy is OK. I ran just fix-disk (the basic command) and the log file appears OK. Should I run with an extra parameter for a more complete scan/check? Again, I do not want to damage anything on the disc in...
I'm going to have a play with youtube-dl on my linux box - it looks quite interesting. What is the best quality setting to set for playback on the TV? (I'm assuming you can't have hd). Can I ftp the downloaded file to the hummy and play it on my tv?
Martin - thank you. The SMART results come out ok but I will try this as well. We running this affect anything on the disc - e.g. scheduling or recordings?
You are correct - I am trying to record from an iplayer stream. Something odd is happening - I tried a different 1 hr program, waited until it had finished downloading and the save last steamed content button had the numbers 679mb in it. So - the buffer hasn't got all the program. Some hours...
I have saved recordings many times but something odd seems to be happening. I play/record an hours program (as normal) and then, on my PC, launch the web interface. When I click on the Save Last Streamed Content button it begins the saving but two things happen. In the button it reads, for...
I've run fixdisk via telnet - nothing to report; everything was ok. At this point should I do a factory reset and re-install the custom software? If so is there a way of saving and importing my 'saved' programmes? I've guessing any scheduling will disappear.
There is nothing in the logs and the disk check looks ok. I've also attached my system info - I might be well out of date. How would I go about resetting the custom firmware?
It has been a long time since I had to renumber my TV channels. I have install tunefix but do not know how to access/use it. I'm sure the last time I re numbered channels access was at the bottom of the EPG Page. Now it says to visit Settings but there is nothing there to help me. Under Web...
Today I can't get a connection - nothing changed. Filezilla says:
0:40:34 Error: Could not connect to server
20:40:34 Status: Waiting to retry...
20:40:39 Status: Connecting to
20:40:39 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
How very odd - it is now all working???? The only thing I did that is different is going into the menu and putting in the code to access Parental Control. 0000 let me in so I did not previously change the pin. I have transferred two files successfully via ftp using two different apps (I...
Spent days trying to get into hummy from my linux box - been working for years; not sure why it is suddenly playing up. I've almost exhausted everything so beginiing to wonder if in the past I changed the default password. Is there any way to change the ftp password? I have many recordings and...
Apologies to all - I completely forgot about yotube-dl. The hunax portal has always appeared (to me) to add very little value. I have downloaded the program I wanted via youtube. Thanks.
I tried to save a streamed 1 hour program and it started the saving process the normal way - then a message appeared on the screen Refreshing Page. The page did refresh and the saved file was of the order of 500Mb rather than, say, 2Gb. Any advice on why this happened appreciated.
OK - I think you might be able to help me here as I have just ran another test. The iplayer program I recorded this morning (1 hour long) that came up as 655mb was an episode of Shetland. At 14.30 there was rugby on itv so I hit the pause key thinking the box would start to fill up its...
Yes and no. I haven't actually viewed the recording because when I look at it in My/Video list it says it is something like 14 minutes or 15 minutes long. I have assumed the 14 minutes/665mb relates to only having recorded that amount of the program - I'm thinking it should be saying something...
I've been on holiday so apologies for delay. I have tried a wireless connection between my router and hummy box and still cannot get a proper 'recording' (1 hour program comes up as 665mb). I have just run a long ethernet cable between router and hummy box (about 3m) and again, the 1 hour...
I'm downloading via youtube-dl as I write but I've also ran fix-disk to make sure my hummy is OK. I ran just fix-disk (the basic command) and the log file appears OK. Should I run with an extra parameter for a more complete scan/check? Again, I do not want to damage anything on the disc in...
I'm going to have a play with youtube-dl on my linux box - it looks quite interesting. What is the best quality setting to set for playback on the TV? (I'm assuming you can't have hd). Can I ftp the downloaded file to the hummy and play it on my tv?
Martin - thank you. The SMART results come out ok but I will try this as well. We running this affect anything on the disc - e.g. scheduling or recordings?
You are correct - I am trying to record from an iplayer stream. Something odd is happening - I tried a different 1 hr program, waited until it had finished downloading and the save last steamed content button had the numbers 679mb in it. So - the buffer hasn't got all the program. Some hours...
I have saved recordings many times but something odd seems to be happening. I play/record an hours program (as normal) and then, on my PC, launch the web interface. When I click on the Save Last Streamed Content button it begins the saving but two things happen. In the button it reads, for...
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