Black Cloud
Woohoo! New kid on the block, called AdBreakerUK. It does what it says on the tin alright. Best I've had so far.All I need now is a PC utility to detect the ad breaks and life will be idyllic.
It's UK only, which may be why it gets it so right. There was nothing to do, I just told it where my stuff is (network aware) and left it to run.
It has a rudimentary interface to report what it's doing, and daily log files with lots of incomprehensible numbers in them.
The GOOD: It excels on films, getting rid of everything, not even a smidgeon of a part caption remaining. No disturbances either.
The BAD: It likes to remove The Weather from News bulletins
The UGLY: I fell in love with it, so it cost me a tenner after the free trial expired.
PS. I couldn't get Edge to download it - too new to be trusted yet. Email support seems to work okay - got an answer in a few hours. Used Firefox instead.
The latest version can be found on their website at https://www.AdBreaker.UK
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