Arq A/Com 5 problems

I think he was referring to sound quality which may be a different issue, I have not noticed a sound problem. My comments are all aimed at the freezing, black screens and looping on Com5 channels obviously. Do you have anything constructive to say about that problem ?
The sound issue isn't Humax product specific. My Samsung TV & HDHomerun (via computer) have the same issue.

I've also tried pointing a portable aerial towards Mendip & that transmitter has the same issue as Wenvoe.

I've not seen the other issues mentioned.
I think he was referring to sound quality which may be a different issue, I have not noticed a sound problem. My comments are all aimed at the freezing, black screens and looping on Com5 channels obviously. Do you have anything constructive to say about that problem ?
This thread was started about the sound problems. I think it's not constructive to focus on specifically Humax issues in the Freeview section of the forum.
This thread was started about the sound problems. I think it's not constructive to focus on specifically Humax issues in the Freeview section of the forum.
The thread is titled Arq A/Com 5 problems. The OP's first post says..........
" The sound problems appear on other Humax models and my TV tuner.
A further problem that began for me at the same time is live picture freezing on Dave and Challenge."
Nobody else cares that it is here.

I think it's not constructive to focus on being pedantic in any section of the forum.
Or you could just admit you hadn't paid attention that this is the Freeview forum not the Humax Products forum. You trying to bluster your way out of embarrassment is not my problem.
Or you could just admit you hadn't paid attention that this is the Freeview forum not the Humax Products forum. You trying to bluster your way out of embarrassment is not my problem.
If that is what it takes for you to STFU I will gladly do so straight after you admit to being a tiresome pedant. ;)
This thread was started about the sound problems. I think it's not constructive to focus on specifically Humax issues in the Freeview section of the forum.

A further problem that began for me at the same time is live picture freezing on Dave and Challenge. Also, possibly on playback, a repeating one second loop. This maybe (my) Aura specific.
Agreed, I posted in Freeview section because sound problem was not device specific. At the time I hadn't spotted freeze problems on other devices - I still haven't. It may have been my bad judgement call to place this thread in Freeview not Aura. Maybe I should have started two threads. However, the problems appear to be changes to the ArqA mux, one of which is causing freezing on the Aura. It doesn't bother me which (sound or freezing) topic contributors discuss. Trying to split this thread into two at this stage could be a nightmare!
The point is this: I don't see how a poor quality audio stream can be attributed to the receiver. It could be transmitter using a new encoder which is outputting "dodgy" data that is causing some receivers more problems than others, but that is still the fault of the broadcaster not the receiver. Perhaps they are trying to compress the encoding more than it can reasonably stand.

If there is something wrong with the audio stream, and there are other (non-audio) artefacts manifesting in the same TS, no matter what, then the finger first points at the transmission and not the receiving device.
A member on the other site has had some feedback from Humax........................................

"I have just had an email back from Humax Support which says they are aware of this problem with ARQ A group channels(COM5) intermitant freezing and they are looking into it. Just have to wait now and see what they do about it."
From Humax

'Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We are experiencing an elevated volume of contacts due to an issue with our Aura set-top boxes, where specific channels may temporarily experience intermittent disturbance in reception with freezing or picture blackout.
Please be assured that our developer team is actively investigating the cause. Rest assured, we are working diligently to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
There is no need for further action on your part at this time. We will provide updates and additional information as soon as a fix is available.
Thank you for your patience. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.'
I resorted to using my 5000T for some U&Dave shows. I noticed the occasional really bad pixelation of the picture. I wonder if this is the same spot as the freezing on the Aura. I shall have to remember to record on both Humaxes and see.
I resorted to using my 5000T for some U&Dave shows. I noticed the occasional really bad pixelation of the picture. I wonder if this is the same spot as the freezing on the Aura. I shall have to remember to record on both Humaxes and see.
I now record the same shows on U&Dave & U&Dave Vu
I now record the same shows on U&Dave & U&Dave Vu
I now record from U&DJV, better sound and no freezes, but bigger DOG.
My point wás to compare the freeze point on an Aura with anything obvious on another device. It's all very well Humax fixing the freezing - but the cause (apart from dodgy Humax software) might be in Arqiva's multiplexor. Of course, I forgot to set it up yesterday so I can't check yet.
Someone has posted this over on another forum...
chris_paullin said:
If you dig deep into the audio stream it would appear that they have configured the audio as 128k MP2 Stereo without any joint stereo encoding so what you are hearing is the quality of 64k MP2 per channel.
Someone has posted this over on another forum...
It was like that in 2014 and for at least a good few years afterwards. I remember looking at some recordings using MediaInfo at least 10 years and possibly triggered by the 2014 comment from chris_paullin.
Comparing a recording made on E4 Extra from 11 months ago with another made recently it appears that the old one was using 'joint stereo' whereas the recent one is 'stereo'.