Assume v. Presume

WTF are you lot banging on about now.
Try clicking the link in post 4464. If you meant what that definition says (and what this sub-discussion started with), I would be most surprised because I have been assuming your intention is Grumpy Old Man.
Plows - wrong tense, should be plowed (narrative present - ugh! A much greater sin than split infinitives in my book)

Plows - American spelling, indicating the BBC have simply duplicated an American headline onto British TV without review (should be ploughs/ploughed)

in to - should be into

So that's three; plenty more grammatical errors result from shortening the sentence into a headline. I particularly dislike the American thing of using a comma to stand for "and" or "or" in headlines.
I have seen it used in a situation where it was difficult to decide whether the missing word was "and" or "or". Without my pedantic hat on, I don't care how people express themselves so long as the meaning is clear - and since the primary objective of all communication is to convey meaning, I regard ambiguity as the ultimate sin (unless ambiguity is the intention).