Oh dear. A Discovery Channel programme How the Universe Works has made it onto Quest tonight. They started out looking at stars, and pointed out that our Sun is a star, and that it is big enough to contain a million Earths (fair enough, the Earth:Sun ratio of diameters is about 1:109). However, they then went on to say that the largest star known (VY Canis Majoris) is a billion times bigger than the Sun.
I don't think so. A billion times the volume, maybe.
Next we had an animation of star formation. Apparently the proto-stellar disc condenses under gravity (OK so far), and in the process of heating to the point where nuclear fusion can kick off, sends out cosmic jets along the spin axis. What?? Wherever did they get that from??? (My degree is in astrophysics, BTW)
And they are pronouncing Betelgeuse "beetle juice". Bloody Americans!