Assume v. Presume

Perhapse I should have said a big light Wally then. Or do we have and inverse big unit/adjective that can be used instead?
I was thinking about the inverse of 'big' this evening and came up with the idea that we already had one - small. However this theory was dashed to the ground in flames and the need for something emphasised by a quote from CH4's Four Rooms. When displaying a large chandelier one of the dealers came up with something like "Another one, twice as small, was sold...." Now this to me, makes no sense at all and ranks alongside 'twice as light' in its inaccurate use of English. So I wonder if BH or FL can come up with a suitable inverse unit of bigness.
Well, based on previous research the concept is quite straightforward, we merely define smallness = 1/size. All we need is a suitable name for the unit 1/metres. We have already adopted the Wa, the ioJ, and the BH scale, so the Trv seems the obvious candidate.
Well, I must admit that I had considered that, but thought it might be considered to be a bit pretentious of me.
Right then. Stop this Johnny foreigner Google Translate stuff. This is an English language forum. Else I'll set a mod on you. ;=). I was trying to think of something pretentious to say, but I'm far too modest.
Well, based on previous research the concept is quite straightforward, we merely define smallness = 1/size. All we need is a suitable name for the unit 1/metres. We have already adopted the Wa, the ioJ, and the BH scale, so the Trv seems the obvious candidate.

For ease of speak why not the Vert?