It helps to be mad on this thread.Aku tersesat. Kamu semua gila.
It's still French though, so that makes it pretentious.
Well that makes you 50% pretentious then (measured on the FMRL scale)!
Use of language other than the lingua franca (excluding phrases adopted into the corpus) shall be assigned a Linguistic Pretentiousness Quotient on the FMRL scale defined by the following formula:
P = (1-F^2) * f
where f is a measure of the speaker's/writer's fluency in the local language in the range 0 to 1, and F is the speaker's/writer's fluency in the foreign language.
This counterpoints the Linguistic Gratuitousness Quotient, defined as G = f * F^2.
Surely mentioning lingua franca has a high Liguistic Prententiousness Quotient too?
[EDIT - corrected use of capitals to appease the Head Master, or is that Headmaster, or Hm or HM?]
See post #156There are upload tools under the edit window, once uploaded you have options to include a full image or just a thumbnail in the post. This is not an invitation for people to attach large images gratuitously!
Do you mean the quote, or the rather large image?Yeah, I expected somebody would persecute me for that! LOL