(BTW - I employed group theory to devise a general method to solve the Rubik's Cube when it came out)
>>> Building exFAT support.
>>> Downloading exfat-utils (1.0.0) from exfat.googlecode.com
>>> Building exfat-utils (1.0.0)
>>> Installing exfat-utils (1.0.0)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking whether the C compiler worksyes
Checking off_t is 8 bytes... yes
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
I know you (we) don't want an answer, but application was coined to describe a complete systems program such as a point-of-sale terminal, or library database interface, or anything where the system starts up automatically when turned on and "ordinary" users interface with it and never go back to an OS system prompt.
From there we go to a program which never runs to termination, eg the utility programs in a multitasking environment such as an iPhone, hence an app.
Who decides what the collective noun should be?, don't get me wrong, I have no objection to herd, but a charm of goldfinches, a boil of hawks?. The terms a whoop of gorillas and a flange of baboons were created by the Not the O Clock News comedy sketch show, but to my mind they are just as valid as the official ones, is there a committee somewhere that decides this sort of thing?Trev: It's all to do with collective nouns.
Much easier that the pblic be presented with a paradigm where there are folders that do actually contain the items, filed and categorised like in a filing cabinet.
But the 'one', by definition, is singular and 'one' is the subject of the sentence.
Wee is pleesd abowt dat. Dis ar a dedley serius conversashun abowt one's and many's and was not ment too be funy.