Sure this is a very cheeky question, The Humax Fox-T2 rocks but I might soon be offering mine to the community. It will be a sad day. Still the nicest smoothest TV Guide interface I have.
Before Humax I was running MythTV, and it was good, if not a bit lame on the interface. I fired one up a few months ago and have it running on an old laptop and it's almost an ideal replacement for a recording device. The only problem I have now is that reading series / episode data from EIT usually fails to get the series. Recordings are S0E12 etc no mantter what series it is. On a havdful of programmes it actually works???
So my cheeky question, what happens under the T2 hood that gets it right?.. it is ALL in the EIT data right? If I know this I might get onto the MythTV source code and learn how to fix it.
Before Humax I was running MythTV, and it was good, if not a bit lame on the interface. I fired one up a few months ago and have it running on an old laptop and it's almost an ideal replacement for a recording device. The only problem I have now is that reading series / episode data from EIT usually fails to get the series. Recordings are S0E12 etc no mantter what series it is. On a havdful of programmes it actually works???
So my cheeky question, what happens under the T2 hood that gets it right?.. it is ALL in the EIT data right? If I know this I might get onto the MythTV source code and learn how to fix it.