Cannot access HDR-FOX T2 using browser


I've just installed the customised firmware on a new HDR-FOX T2 (SW Version 1.2.29), but I'm unable to connect to the Hummy using a web browser. So far, I've tried the following:

1. Checked that "Cust FW 2.14" is displayed on startup.

2. Pinged. No problem.

3. Connected via Telnet. No problem.

4. Tried a forced reinstall of the web interface, with the following result:

huxnax$ opkg install webif --force-reinstall
No packages removed.
Unknown package ‘webif’.
Collected errors:
* make directory: Cannot create directory ‘/mod/var/opkg’: Read—only file system
* make directory: Cannot create directory ‘/modfvar/opkg’: Read—only file system.
* make_directory: Cannot create directory ‘Jmodfvar/opkg’: Read-only file system
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package webif.
* opkg finalize intercepts: Failed to open dir : No such file or directory.
* rmr: Failed to open dir : No such file or directory.
* m_rj Failed to open dir : No such file or directory.

Presumably it's not surprising that the removal stage failed, since I have not yet been able to get as far as installing the full web interface. But I would have thought that the installation should have worked.

5. Tried removing the customised firmware, in order to try a fresh installation, with the following result:

rmi: cannot remove ‘/mod/bin’: Read—only file system
rmi: cannot remove ‘/mod/boot’: Read—only file system

And now I've run out of ideas. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Have you tried to log into your Humax by entering it's IP address into a web browser, e.g. the stage shown in the WiKi HERE
I'm sorry, I should have made this clear.

"You tried to access the address, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page."
I'm wondering if your router or P.C. operating system is preventing an http connection to this IP address for some reason, you could try another browser or a different P.C. if available
I have just noticed (in your first post) that /mod/bin and /mod/boot are read only, they shouldn't be, it maybe worth power cycling the Humax a few times (wait 30 seconds for the hard disk to spin down) before turning back on then re-trying the browser log on
I'm wondering if your router or P.C. operating system is preventing an http connection to this IP address for some reason, you could try another browser or a different P.C. if available
I don't have access to another PC at the moment, but I've tried a different browser, and this too failed to connect.
it maybe worth power cycling the Humax a few times (wait 30 seconds for the hard disk to spin down) before turning back on then re-trying the browser log on
OK, I'll take a break to allow it some time, and then do as you suggest. Thank you.
The problem, as Ezra noted, is that your disk appears to be read-only.

Can you actually record anything in the box?

I would run the fix-disk process via the telnet menu (option 1 to restart in maintenance mode then option 1 again to run the disk check) - it can take a while to run.

Alternatively, if you don't have any recordings you could reformat the disk using the standard on-screen menus.
Can you actually record anything in the box?
Before loading the custom firmware I was able to do so, but at appears that I no longer can. (I tried recording something for a couple of minutes. Although the Hummy appeared to operate as normal, when I checked in the media list, no recording was listed.
I would run the fix-disk process via the telnet menu (option 1 to restart in maintenance mode then option 1 again to run the disk check) - it can take a while to run..
I've gone into maintenance mode, but when I try to access the Hummy using Telnet, I now get a blank telnet screen.

it maybe worth power cycling the Humax a few times (wait 30 seconds for the hard disk to spin down) before turning back on then re-trying the browser log on
I've tried this, but it has not helped.

And I've also tried connecting using Filezilla, but get the message "Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server"".
If you power cycle your Humax, you should be able to telnet afterwards, watch the front display, it should show either Cust FW 2.14 or MAINTENANCE depending where you are, the fix-disk procedure is HERE
I can go telnet after a power cycle that shows Cust FW 2.14. But if MAINTENANCE is showing (ie. I have gone into advanced maintenance and and power cycled), telnet doesn't work.
I think this has been reported before, I must admit I can't remember the fix, I will have a look around to see if I can find it, af123 will probably be able to help
Before loading the custom firmware I was able to do so, but at appears that I no longer can. (I tried recording something for a couple of minutes. Although the Hummy appeared to operate as normal, when I checked in the media list, no recording was listed.

That won't have been caused by loading the custom firmware but something has corrupted the file system on disk. That can happen when the box loses power without being properly shut down - e.g. turning off via the rocker switch while the disk is spinning - but there are also plenty of reports of it happening spontaneously.

I've gone into maintenance mode, but when I try to access the Hummy using Telnet, I now get a blank telnet screen.

That sounds like your Humax isn't managing to get an IP address in maintenance mode.

How is the Humax connected (Ethernet cable or Wireless dongle)?

Under Settings -> System ->Internet Settings ->Configure LAN -> Configure IP are you using a Manual address or a DHCP one?

If it is DHCP, then try changing it to manual (it should keep the same values in all of the other boxes) just while you try maintenance mode again.
How is the Humax connected (Ethernet cable or Wireless dongle)?
Under Settings -> System ->Internet Settings ->Configure LAN -> Configure IP are you using a Manual address or a DHCP one?
If it is DHCP, then try changing it to manual (it should keep the same values in all of the other boxes) just while you try maintenance mode again.
I've now tried this, as you suggested, but I still can't get into maintenance mode. :(
The Humax is definitely in some form of write-protect mode: scheduled recordings no longer work, and the Humax doesn't "remember" its position if I interrupt playback and then resume.
I think that's the problem, the wireless dongle is not being initialised in maintenance mode.
Is there any way you can connect it via cable just for this?

I'll have a look to see if I can think of a way to get the wireless up in maintenance too.
Is there any way you can connect it via cable just for this?
Progress!!! I've been able to set up a wired connection, and can now access the Maintenance Mode. I've started a Fix-Disk running, which I had been intending to do anyway as soon as I had installed the customised firmware, and I'll check in the morning whether this has resolved the "read-only" issue.
Update. I have tried to run Fix-Disk twice, and each point it froze (at exactly the same point). I attach a screen print.

My problems first started with my original Humax freezing intermittently when accessing the Media screen. I copied all the image files from that machine to a brand new Humax, and now the new Humax has started to freeze intermittently when accessing the Media screen. I suspect that the freezing that is occurring during Fix-Disk is not entirely coincidental......


  • Humax Mtce Screen Print.png
    Humax Mtce Screen Print.png
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