I'm sure it's mentioned in the general reading. I'm also sure somebody who knows where will kindly provide a link!
I am inclined to point out that the custom firmware is very much an enthusiasts domain, and although it has become slick it was not always so. Anyone with an interest in the CF (that means anybody who has installed it) should keep a watching brief on the proceedings at Hummy.tv, and familiarise themselves with the background rather than assume it will all be spelled out in detail in every topic.
In case there are any other readers not familiar with the concept of "advanced packages", under WebIF >> Settings >> Advanced Settings the control "Show development and advanced packages?" defaults to "NO". This means that when the (potentially) novice CF user views the WebIF >> Package Management screens they will be shielded from the nuts and bolts of installed support utilities, not offered utilities that are only needed by developers, and not tempted by packages that are still regarded as in beta trials. Deciding to uninstall a helper package because they don't understand why it is installed could bring things crashing down!
I agree there are improvements that could be made. First of all, the first post announcing a new package should include a note that it is in beta (and revised when it makes it to full circulation). I also think there could be further subdivisions: most people have no need to see the utility daemons (only the base packages), and the developer tools could be hidden by a separate switch. But, as with all things CF, these are a possible future development if af123 considers them important enough to add to the task list or if somebody else feels competent to help out.