[FlatView] Provide flattened view of recordings

Is the FlatView file information stored in a database? The above only occurs with files that were listed in the original FlatView folder that I deleted. I don't believe it is cache related as I get the same in three different browsers on different platforms (Android and Windows). If I uninstall Flatview, the filesizes are displayed correctly again:
No, that's the puzzling thing. There's no stored state or configuration.
Can you point a web browser at
and see what that says?
I have an entry in [flatview] I wasn't expecting, I have Unwatched only = No and limited by age = yes (90 days)

I have a bit more info.,
1) The file was automatically removed at a later date from [flatview]
2) I now realise that I played a small part of '11' yesterday
3) The recording is from BBC radio (audio only)

Flatview uses the modification time of the .ts file to determine age. Usually the .ts doesn't change once it's recorded (and any stripping/ad-detection is done) but your 11 must have a newer modification time. Perhaps flatview should use the recording date from the .hmt file instead.
cdmackay - ask your "friend" to run the unflatten-test diagnostic. That should list the first 20 recordings along with where it thinks it originally came from. If that looks ok, the unflatten diagnostic should move them all back.
Good thing Flatten doesn't call hmt +setfilename ;) (unlike TS renamegroup)
No, that's the puzzling thing. There's no stored state or configuration.
Can you point a web browser at
and see what that says?
I've attached two files, the first was without FlatView installed, then I reinstalled and repeated. It looks better, but the FV folder only has three recordings in it at the moment, one of which is River, which is one of the culprits.
I have now changed the 'ignore files older than' setting from 2 days back to 7 days (how it was before) and I've attached another file (output from the link you supplied) now the 22.25 cronjob has run. There are more discrepancies in Web-If again now the contents of the FV folder have increased.


  • NoFlatView.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 5
  • Flatview.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 3
  • Flatview2.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 0
Flatview uses the modification time of the .ts file to determine age. Usually the .ts doesn't change once it's recorded (and any stripping/ad-detection is done) but your 11 must have a newer modification time. Perhaps flatview should use the recording date from the .hmt file instead.
Not sure what time stamps get changed when a *.ts file is watched, but watching '11' earlier this evening has changed the *.hmt file date stamp, i.e.
humax# ls -al Hitchhiker\'s11_20140517_1800.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      2072 Oct 14 19:00 Hitchhiker's11_20140517_1800.hmt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    266592 May 17  2014 Hitchhiker's11_20140517_1800.nts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 200044544 May 17  2014 Hitchhiker's11_20140517_1800.ts
If there are identically named files in two or more folders is it possible to predict which of them will appear in the FlatView list or is it a case of first one processed wins?

(I may need to revise my detectads file renaming to take into account the use of FlatView)
Not sure what time stamps get changed when a *.ts file is watched, but watching '11' earlier this evening has changed the *.hmt file date stamp, i.e.
humax# ls -al Hitchhiker\'s11_20140517_1800.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      2072 Oct 14 19:00 Hitchhiker's11_20140517_1800.hmt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    266592 May 17  2014 Hitchhiker's11_20140517_1800.nts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 200044544 May 17  2014 Hitchhiker's11_20140517_1800.ts
If you play a TS file the only timestamp which will change will be the date accessed. If you crop a TS file or copy one from another partition or drive this will update both the date created and modified fields or the modified field which will make it appear like a new recording. The HMT file is written to and saved whenever you press stop, but if the HMT file were to be used for the time and date of the recording it would be the values within the file, as defined in the HMT format document in the wiki, that would be used not the external timestamp.
Agreed, but I couldn't find any dates less than 90 days old within the *.hmt file :-

humax# hmt Hitchhiker\'s11_20140517_1800.hmt
ITitle:Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Channel:708 (BBC Radio 4 Ex)
Folder:/mnt/hd2/My Video/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/
Genre:Entertainment (48)
EPG:Fit the Eleventh: On Brontitall, Arthur meets an archaeologist, gets captured and learns all about the Shoe Event Horizon. From January 1980. Episode 5 of 6.
Raw file is encrypted on disk.

Recording Status: Valid (OK)
Flags: SD,Unlimited Copies,ODEncrypted,
Copy count:0

Scheduled start:1400346000 (Sat May 17 18:00:00 2014)
Scheduled duration:1800
Recording start:1400346042 (Sat May 17 18:00:42 2014)
Recording end:1400347840 (Sat May 17 18:30:40 2014)
Stored duration:1789
Play resumes at:37 seconds in.
Timezone offset:3600

Service ID (SID):5824
Event ID:49203
Transport Stream ID (TSID):4165
Originating Network ID (ONID):9018
Programme Map Table PID (PMTPID):1700
Video PID:1702
Audio PID:1702
Bookmarks:0 =
cdmackay - ask your "friend" to run the unflatten-test diagnostic. That should list the first 20 recordings along with where it thinks it originally came from. If that looks ok, the unflatten diagnostic should move them all back.

Thank you very much indeed, I've asked him to give it a try.

And it really isn't me :)
Thanks for adding in the location field to the Media Details box.

I note that the most recent recording in my FlatView dir does not have the location though. The recording finished 90 minutes ago; should it have been added by now?
Why doesn't the Recmon exit trigger on -start rather than -stop to allow chase play of all recordings?
I am probably to blame for this one. I was concerned that mutliple threads from the humaxtv process may be accessing a linked hmt file at the same time. Perhaps I was being overly cautious.
If there are identically named files in two or more folders is it possible to predict which of them will appear in the FlatView list or is it a case of first one processed wins?

(I may need to revise my detectads file renaming to take into account the use of FlatView)
Yes, first-processed wins.
Thank you very much indeed, I've asked him to give it a try.

And it really isn't me :)
Do you know if the box is linked to RS? If this doesn't work then I may be able to extract the original folder structure from an RS database backup.
Would it help to rename the OPT+ 'Toggle No-flatten' icon to read 'Toggle No-flatten / No-flatview' or something similar

I would prefer it had a separate flag, and to be able to over-ride "[" folders. The reasons for preventing a folder being flattened do not coincide with the reasons to prevent flatview indexing the recordings (and that's all it really is - a method of indexing).
If Flatview proves to be reliable, I can't see any reason not to make it a built-in feature of the Web-If, In my view it also makes Flatten redundant
Only in your opinion does flatview make flatten redundant - I have the opposite opinion (and I guess you're not a flatten fan). They do different things, and there is no reason they can't coexist.

Neither should flatview be forced on anyone by integrating it into the WebIF. As with most of the packages, it's a matter of personal choice and unless another package is dependent on it there is no reason to install it by default.
The point is that flatview is non destructive, if you don't use the [Flatview] folder then everything else is as it was before it was installed, it provides the best of both worlds, unlike flatten which destroys the folder hierarchy permanently (with the possible exception of af123's recent fix) . Would you like to explain the advantages of flatten over flatview in YOUR opinion?