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FOX-T2 display 'Wizzard'

I have observed this happen two or three times before and it required retuning etc. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening please?.
It is an unfortunately frequent occurence on the FOX-T2 HDR and HD models
No-one has yet found the root cause and managed to prevent its occurence.

If you have the cutomised firmware installed there are some packages available that make it easier to restore your recording schedule and other settings after you experience the Wizzard,
Why is "wizard" so often mis-spelled? OK, so the rock band spelled their name with the double z...
I'm aware of the HD/HDR randomly starting with the wizard every now and then.
One of the earlier ones being

I've seen it mentioned with the HD/HDR Fox T2 and wondered if it affected other Humax PVRs.
I'm also not sure if it affects HD/HDR with standard firmware.
No-one has yet found the root cause
...but it has been suggested that it is triggered if the databases become corrupt. All the configuration data is held in SQLite data structures, and rebuilding them from scratch may be the best way.

If you have the cutomised firmware installed there are some packages available that make it easier to restore your recording schedule and other settings after you experience the Wizzard,
Restoring User Settings after Restore Factory Defaults
...but it has been suggested that it is triggered if the databases become corrupt. All the configuration data is held in SQLite data structures, and rebuilding them from scratch may be the best way.
Very possible - I guess setup.db, freq.db and channel.db would be the key databases.

I have wondered if forcing WIZARD_CMPLTD to 1 in the bootsettings package would avoid some occurences of the Wizard but not if there was a problem with the data base integrity.

An alternative might be an early startup routine which,
  • Performs some basic database integrity checks
  • If all OK, takes a backup copy of the database
  • If not OK, restores the previous backups
Obviously recent setting changes could be lost but less painful than going through the setup wizard.
I've gathered some information from various sources, eg from this forum and these

This may expedite initial settings after random start wizard (I've only tested this method with the manual factory reset option). Requires Custom Firmware with boot-settings, virtual-disk2 (or real USB drive attached). It tries to skip the channel scan to move things along.

Boot settings
Set WebIF/settings/Settings for boot-settings package with something like
  • Content Sharing
  • Volume
  • Screen Resolution
  • Standby Power Saving
  • Automatic Power Down
  • Sound Output
  • OSD Transparency
  • Network etc
Copy DB files to USB
Occasionally (every 1-3 months) use Humax Hidden Settings menu to save the 3 DB files (channel.db, rsv.db setup.db) onto USB drive.
  • <Menu>/Settings/System/System Information
  • <red><green><yellow><blue><green><yellow><blue>
  • Copy DB to USB <ok>
Create task1 (runs every 6 hours) that copies 3 files (channel.db, rsv.db setup.db) from /var/lib/humaxtv/ to /media/drive1.
Create task2 (runs every day) that copies DB files from /media/drive1 to /media/drive1/<date>, only keep the most recent 30 days worth.

Skip scan, just restore DB files
So, if in the future you get a random wizard start, enter the bare minimum.
  • 1 Preferred Language - English <ok>
  • 2 Display <Next>
  • 3 Automatic Search - Interrupt the scan eg at 1%, press <Stop>
  • Do you want to save the channels searched up to this point? <No>
  • 4 Power Saving <Next>
  • 5 Result <Finish>
HDR will keep complaining - "No channels are available. Press OK to search channels"
  • Do not do a search no matter how many times it prompts!

  • The prompts will usually lead you back to Settings/Installation/Automatic Search
  • Press <left> (near the OK button)

  • Use Humax Hidden Settings menu to restore the 3 DB files
  • Navigate to <Menu>/Settings/System/System Information
  • <red><green><yellow><blue><green><yellow><blue>
  • Copy DB to Flash <ok>
  • Place HDR into standby <power>
  • Wait a few minutes for drive to power down
  • Power on <power>
Edit1: Rewrite Copy DB files to USB. Highlight paragraphs with bold titles.
Last edited:
This may expedite initial settings after random start wizard (I've only tested this method with the manual factory reset option)
Requires Custom Firmware with boot-settings, virtual-disk2 (or real USB drive attached)

Set WebIF/settings/Settings for boot-settings package with something like
  • Content Sharing
  • Volume
  • Screen Resolution
  • Standby Power Saving
  • Automatic Power Down
  • Sound Output
  • OSD Transparency
So, like, you've not bothered with Restoring User Settings after Restore Factory Defaults then? (yes, that is a link)
I have wondered if forcing WIZARD_CMPLTD to 1 [would help]

Not as I recall, but it was long time ago, and I didn't exercise it much.

What appears to happen is that the settop program somehow crashes some stored database(s). The box may carry on apparently working, but with certain weirdnesses. On restarting you may have to retune (presumably the channel DB was broken) or run the entire Wizard (presumably something worse).

But not all of the files in this flash filesystem are broken by an uncommanded reset:
# ls /var/lib/humaxtv
TZ          dtcp.rng      resolv.conf       rsv_fail.db   udhcpc.wlan0.pid
bootset.db  ext_hdd_info  resolv.conf.bak   rsvp.db
browser     freq.db       route.eth0.conf   setup.db
channel.db  mm.db         route.wlan0.conf  setup1.db
drm         mod           rsv.db            tempsetup.db
whereas the need to run fix_flash_packages in some cases implies that this filesystem may have been broken or reformatted (the mentioned packages being in mod)
# ls -l /var/lib/humaxtv_backup
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 0 Sep 23 16:02 mod
but it has been suggested that it is triggered if the databases become corrupt.
In my recent occurrence, setup.db had become long-term locked for whatever reason. In trying to ascertain why, and learn more, I managed to stuff it completely. Attempts to restore a backup failed, as I found out when I next rebooted - I knew what was probably coming and wasn't disappointed (well I was, but you know what I mean).
I guess setup.db, freq.db and channel.db would be the key databases.
freq.db is an invention of tunefix, so is not at all key. It just stores the backup signal strength/quality data.
Attempts to restore a backup failed, as I found out when I next rebooted
Would it perhaps have worked if restored early in bootup prior to start of humaxtv as suggested in #6

I still have hopes that we can automate recovery from a Wizard event!
Post-boot the webif is active and a package could detect that the wizard is in progress by checking the VFD for the WIZARD message then set a flag to trigger db restore and reboot the system
Yet again I turn on the unit to be greeted by the 'WIZARD' message on the display, this is becoming increasingly frustrating and I gather it is rather a common problem, what is going on?
We believe the wizard gets triggered if a database file is corrupt, as a means for the config databases to be rebuild from scratch. Running a system flush (available from the firmware downloads) may be helpful in clearing the flash data.

Just because the wizard has occured a few times doesn't mean it will continue to do so, but on the other hand may be indicative of failing flash.

And even if you do get a random restore defaults, it's easy to restore user settings (with the correct preparation): Restoring User Settings after Restore Factory Defaults

bottletop has also proposed a means to auto-restore the database files from backup: https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/change-factory-default-to-user-default.11395/