Black Hole
May contain traces of nut
If this is your first decrypt, you can expect it to take a while. At a guess, it will only process a few tens of gigabytes an hour.
How long should a recursive decrypt take on a 1tb drive with about 700gb used? Ever since I set this up yesterday that hard drive has been hammering away non stop. Turned it off at 11 for bedtime and back on today. Noise is even worse today.
Sceptic, shows this:
Encrypted: 643
Decrypted: 343
Total: 986
Version 1.0.1 is in the repository now. - it can be installed on a slave HDR now.
The zeroconf idea isn't working so far..
Try installing virtual-disk2 on HDR(B). Without that, the link won't appear when you press the media/storage button. Hopefully that's all you're missing. (It isn't required on the HD which is why it isn't mentioned in the notes, yet!)
That all sounds a bit odd; what make and model of router.?My broadband ip changes every day. If I leave my computer connected to the router for >24 hours it will not connect to the internet as my broadband assigns a new ip every day. I have set the router to reset every day
You do realise there's a switch on the back?Now going to powerdown both boxes (plug them out as even blue button reset not responding).