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[foxlink] Simple way to link a HD to a HDR.

Thanks mole_hill and black hole. Ive got Foxlink working on both and all seems good so far. ....now if I can only get auto decrypt to start working Ill be sorted! Webif Recursive Auto decrypt is set up but doesnt appear to be doing anything. I left it on overnight thinking I would come down to some activity this morning but nothing:( . Ill search the forum and see if anyone else has had this problem.Thanks again for your help:)
Thanks - all conditions are met and I can set the recursive auto decrypt flag in the web if interface with no problems. Is there a log file? Also does it only run at night? Thanks
thanks af123. log levels increased. machine rebooted. 30 mins later still showing nothing in auto.log. would it log autodecrypt working?
I'm wondering if cron is working properly (or at all) on your box.
You should have a line like this in /mod/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root (you can check on Web-If's Diag, File Editor page):
*/10 * * * * /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto >/dev/null 2>&1
You could check crond is running. Output will be similar to this:
humax# ps x|grep crond
  749 ?        SNs    0:05 /mod/sbin/crond
23991 pts/1    SN+    0:00 grep crond
This is the output from my /mod/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

0 2 * * * /mod/sbin/anacron -s -d
*/10 * * * * /mod/sbin/rs_process >> /mod/tmp/rs.log 2>&1
* * * * * /mod/sbin/foxlink

No reference to /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto
Sory but Im a bit new to this - how do I run humax# ps x|grep crond ?
I would try reinstalling the webif package. You can do that from the Diagnostics page in the web interface - just type webif into the box and click on Force-reinstall.
webif forcibly reinstalled..
*/10 * * * * /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto >/dev/null 2>&1
code now shows up in /mod/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root.

Also, the files are now starting to decrypt and show in the log file.
Many thanks af123 and prpr for your fantastic help.
Sorry but Im a bit new to this - how do I run humax# ps x|grep crond ?
Using telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in a command line session where xxx etc. is the T2's IP address (on Windoze run cmd.exe or find the Command Prompt icon first). The "humax# " bit is the prompt you see.
Forcing a reinstall of webif worked. I left the usb with the modified firmware in the box last week on start up and overwrote the firmware again by mistake. :oops: I wonder if this is why webif stopped working. Problem fixed anyway - thanks again.

prpr: tried using a telnet session via terminal on my mac and got into the box but when I tried to run it output the following. Any idea why it didnt work? :confused: More out of interest as the original problem is sorted.:D
humax# ps x|grep crond
ps: invalid option -- x
BusyBox v1.20.2 (2013-01-02 19:13:09 GMT) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
Show list of processes
        w      Wide output
        l      Long output
        T      Show threads
humax# ps l|grep crond
S    0  637    1  1368  380 0:0  08:24 00:00:00 /mod/sbin/crond
R    0 23859 14473  1344  304 pts0  10:25 00:00:00 grep crond

perfect - thankyou
prpr: tried using a telnet session via terminal on my mac and got into the box but when I tried to run it output the following. Any idea why it didnt work?
Yes, sorry, I have the procps package installed which installs a version of ps which takes precedence. I forgot that you might not have it installed and that the versions aren't compatible in their command line options.
Undefined variable fix (in the 'else' block):
humax /media/drive1/mod/sbin # diff foxlink~ foxlink
--- foxlink~
+++ foxlink
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
 peer="`getcfg peer`"
 [ -n "$peer" ] || exit 0

+dir="`getcfg dir`"
 if ping -q -c3 -w3 $peer; then
        [ $debug -eq 1 ] && echo Ping success.
-       dir="`getcfg dir`"
        [ -n "$dir" ] || exit 0
        if ! mount | grep "/media/$dir"; then
                [ $debug -eq 1 ] && echo Mounting.
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Here's a fix for a bug which stops Foxlink reading back its settings from the .conf file:
humax /media/drive1/mod/webif/plugin/foxlink # diff settings.hook~ settings.hook
--- settings.hook~
+++ settings.hook
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

if {![catch {set foxlink_fd [open "/mod/etc/foxlink.conf" r]}]} {
    foreach line [split [read $foxlink_fd] "\n"] {
-       lassign $line foxlink_key foxlink_val
+       lassign [split $line "="] foxlink_key foxlink_val
        switch $foxlink_key {
            peer { set foxlink_peer $foxlink_val }
            dir { set foxlink_dir $foxlink_val }
In fact when I reboot the settings in WebIF for the foxlink have disappeared i.e. not saved (i did use the save settings as I've repeated the process).
I have noticed the foxlink settings do not appear to stick (when refreshed the WebIF settings page returns to the default blank in the IP address and "HDR" in the local directory name field. Is this correct?
Just checking - I am getting the same - After a Standby cycle the HD forgets the Foxlinked HDR and I have to re-input IP address and Update using the HD WebIF each time.
I have/did input the IP address of the Server and the name 'HDR2' in the other box in the Foxlink settings on the Client (HDR1) but when I checked the settings later both had disappeared.
I think this is a bug in Web-If.
Thanks. Amazing that one's taken so long to be spotted!
I think it was, but just didn't get picked up on!
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