Foxsat-HDR - New/Updated Package Download

My guess is your router is blocking the traffic. If it's worked before, try rebooting the router (they play silly buggers sometimes – technically speaking).
No, it's not the router; that restarts itself every 24 hours at 3am. Plus, this is a new router a few weeks ago, but the same thing used to happen with the old one too.
Where are the settings for network connection on the FoxSAT? I've been through all the menus, and I can't find any way to change or set anything relating to the network.

10.2 Network
You can view the network information.
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Select System and press the OK button.
3. Select Network and press the OK button.
4. The network information will be displayed.
5. Select Configure Ethernet and press the OK button. Select Configure IP and press the OK or /
button to select DHCP or Manual. When selecting Manual, you can enter the value for the network
information. Select Apply and press the OK button to save the changes.
Note: For information on the Network options on the product please visit in the future.
Of course it would! And I used to work on an IT helpdesk, so I should know better!

OK, it turns out the DNS settings were set to, so changing the values to the same as the router ( got it back. I don't know why that changed; I certainly don't recall doing it!

Thank you sir; you are a scholar and a gentleman!
Blimey; I'd completely forgotten about any earlier posts. It didn't occur to me to even look. Still, it was 8 years ago!

As an aside, my even-more-elderly HDR-Fox T2 gave up the ghost recently, and has been replaced with an Aura 4K 2Tb, which I am still getting to grips with. I do miss the web interface though; apps just aren't the same!
it's not the router; that restarts itself every 24 hours at 3am
The mind boggles as to why that's necessary. Is that something you have configured (why?) or the manufacturer decided (presumably they don't trust their own shoddy software) ? (Mine's been running 295 days, including an hour's power cut a few weeks ago. I can't now think what the last reboot was for - probably a software update.)
my even-more-elderly HDR-Fox T2 gave up the ghost recently
In what way?
The mind boggles as to why that's necessary.
Indeed. I reboot mine on occasions it proves necessary, which isn't very often. Isn't it the case that rebooting a router causes a slow-down while the ISP re-learns the line characteristics?

I suppose for unattended operation if there are critical functions dependent on the router being "up", eg remote access, then a nightly reboot might be a reasonable precaution... but still risks up to a 24 hour period of loss of access. A smart plug to provide remote power cycling wouldn't work in that situation, because it relies on the router being up!

I don't think I would do that unless the router had a track record of misoperation, and if it did then I would replace the router. (The situation is different for our HDR-FOXes, which have a proven track record of crashing and it makes sense to give them a periodic hard reset so that pre-programmed operations can resume after minimal interruption.)

No, it's not the router; that restarts itself every 24 hours at 3am.
Academic, but I'm not clear how you could have been so sure of that; just because it was restarted some time in the past doesn't stop it misoperating in the mean time.
Isn't it the case that rebooting a router causes a slow-down while the ISP re-learns the line characteristics?
The modem, rather than the router (although often they are combined).
Certainly on ADSL and I would assume so on VDSL, although the shorter copper path automatically improves the probability of reliability.
I doubt it on any FTTP as there are no equivalent line characteristics.
But once a day is well below any trigger threshold.
'They' don't like making any of this information public though. 'They' just like to keep people in the dark, presumably as a way of getting out of fixing things properly that they can get away with, without too much grief from annoyed punters.
Default Authority updated

Update your package list in the usual way for the package(s) listed in the "Package Management", "Upgrades" tab.

Remember to reboot the Foxsat-HDR after updating your package list to pick up the updated Default Authority data.
Default Authority updated

Update your package list in the usual way for the package(s) listed in the "Package Management", "Upgrades" tab.

Remember to reboot the Foxsat-HDR after updating your package list to pick up the updated Default Authority data.
Default Authority updated

Update your package list in the usual way for the package(s) listed in the "Package Management", "Upgrades" tab.

Remember to reboot the Foxsat-HDR after updating your package list to pick up the updated Default Authority data.