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HDR Fox T2 Support Ending?

I have used the Humax 'Beta' site since the early PVR9200 days. I may be wrong, but I have never seen an instance where software has been further updated as a direct result of appearing there. In fact, until recertly the 'Beta' site release usually followed a few days after the official OTA. The only recent true Beta testing I can remember was during the portal development of the HD and HDR models, trial members being selected by application, and the trial software was not released on the Beta site. There have been several other closed Beta trials, members selected by invitation, and again the trial software was not generally released.
So the 'Beta' site never was a true Beta site in the way that Tell sees it. It was purely a useful reference source, now greatly missed. We can only speculate why it is no longer supported. ;)
I never believe any of this stuff...
The HDR's processor was fast enough before the change of firmware version, so why isn't it now? The memory issue is cobblers, because it is quite easy with the CF to see that it doesn't use all of what it has for standard operation. Anyway, as supplied it isn't a virtual memory OS setup - you either have enough and the box works, or you don't and it crashes. Speed isn't affected. Most of us on the CF have swap files now and the EPG is still just as slow, which proves it was never anything to do with that.
The basic fact is that they've screwed up whatever algorithms they had before for making this work correctly, and the beta tester(s) didn't do their job(s) properly and detect it.
I agree that if it worked properly on the HDR-FOX before it could/ should still now. I have seen a couple of posts regarding the HDR-2000T stating that the EPG is quick and mentioning memory/ processor etc. Your response, explaining why this is not the reason, suggests that the EPG bug is not in the HDR-2000T software. I hope that when a 2000T update is finally issued that the software developers have not introduced it!
The epg bug was just simply not noticed.
Presumably this comment is based on insider knowledge. Looks like a straightforward beta testing failure then.
I hope that when a 2000T update is finally issued that the software developers have not introduced it!

That'll be an interesting one. Depends where/when they forked it from the T2 codebase (I presume they did) and what's happened since.
One could speculate about lots of things from here...
The trouble is, it's the secrecy, the information hiding and the "I know something you don't know but I'm not going to tell you or justify it" attitude of certain people and companies that causes all the speculation and slanging matches and then the bad feeling.

So, no other companies are like that then?
Microsoft? With its win 8 start menu removal..
Sky? With its portal app that disappeared..
BBC? With it's iPlayer closure/errors

Need I go on?

Just because you WANT to know, doesn't give you a right to know. There can be many sensitive reasons why information is not forthcoming from companies like this. Maybe they don't want to embarrass another company that caused them an issue for example because they work together on other projects.
Maybe the information would give away some technology secrets.
Maybe other companies copy them so they don't want to make it easy.

Who knows?
Bottom line is that you are not the owner or a shareholder, so you have no right to know anything they don't want you to know.
"Yes, a lot of what you say is true. But I'm a customer and I paid good money for your product which no longer works properly. What are you going to do about it? Treat me with contempt? Piss me off? Why would I do business with your company again? I don't care about your issues. I care about mine."

Do you understand that point of view?
There can be many sensitive reasons why information is not forthcoming from companies like this. Maybe they don't want to embarrass another company that caused them an issue for example because they work together on other projects.
Maybe the information would give away some technology secrets.
Maybe other companies copy them so they don't want to make it easy.
So release ACCURATE information ONLY through an official announcement channel and do not engage in any kind of hinting or reacting to speculation in public forums (in the wider sense). It's the drip-feed from posters who appear to have inside knowledge who then back off because they are worried about saying too much that is the problem.

If you have a secret, the best way of keeping it a secret is not to let on you even have it.

That said, I don't see how announcing that (for example) they are aware of the EPG problem and intend to release an update to fix it in some time frame could possibly count as sensitive information. On the other hand, announcing that there is no intention of releasing an update for the HD-FOX that will keep iPlayer available would likely drive sales in another direction.
It does work properly though. It's just slow - it's a software bug. Nothing is actually broken with the epg, unless you are taking about something else.

Nobody from humax is treating you with contempt or purposefully trying to piss you or anyone else off.

It is entirely up to you if you do business with humax again, but they are pretty much the best freeview/freesat boxes available. Especially modded.

It is ok if you don't like humax.
@BH Views expressed are entirely my own and are not connected or endorsed by Humax in any way. I do not work for Humax, nor do I have any communication with anyone from Humax.
I just use common sense.
@BH Views expressed are entirely my own and are not connected or endorsed by Humax in any way. I do not work for Humax, nor do I have any communication with anyone from Humax.
I just use common sense.
To confirm then, your statement "The epg bug was just simply not noticed" is not based on insider knowledge but was just speculation based on your "common sense"?
Yes based on past conversations where it was not seen as critical or even that important. For it not to have been noticed, it must have just been missed in the testing process.

I am privy to a minuscule bit of secret info, which is why I know that what tell was spouting is incorrect.
On the other hand, announcing that there is no intention of releasing an update for the HD-FOX that will keep iPlayer available would likely drive sales in another direction.

My understanding is that the BBC are withdrawing 'Big screen' iPlayer, so what update could Humax do to keep it going? Presumably they need to license it or get permission from the BBC, so if the Beeb won't play it's game over. (I hope I'm wrong, not that we use the iPlayer bit very often but it's damn useful on occasions when we do need it.)
@MikeSH. You are fine. The HDR-FOX is unaffected as long as you are on 1.03.xx firmware. It is the version of iPlayer you get with 1.02.xx firmware that is being dropped.
To fix the HD-FOX, all that is needed is a 1.03.xx firmware update.
Ah. Thank you both. I had seen that thread but not registered that it was (Humax) version dependent.
If there is a picture with the sound then it aint radio, it's TV. Call it multimedia, DAB FM, AM whatever. Why on earth would I want to turn on my 200" plasma TV to listen to the radio?

Personally, I don't. I just turn on the PVR, select radio, and then find the channel I want. The PVR is connected to my amp.