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HDR-Fox T2 vs FVP-5000T

My old T2 has been dying, green screen on hdmi, black screen on scart so went to the 5000 and so far im not impressed. UI is 'different'. In the settings I had set options to set the skip forward and back 7/30 seconds, but as yet not found the remote control buttons to actually skip (excluding fast forward or rewind). But the biggest issue is the performance. The CPU just can't keep up. Last night I was importing old TV files into it, and on the TV via RF, the picture was unwatchable. Today I discovered the wifi has dropped off, so whilst recording a program and in networking the screen was jerky. So it suggests that disk access is CPU intensive.

I also come across an issue which has been commented either here or on another forum where if I am in an SD channel an I set series record for HD I get no confirmation. However if im on a HD channel and I set a SR on HD I still don't get any confirmation. So in the schedule im getting duplicate SR listings.

Only other bugbare is losing the ability to skip a day in the EPG, other than selecting date, all I can do is slowly wade per 2 hours. However the humax portal has helped, but that still involves a lot of scrolling.

I suspect I was spoilt with the custom T2, but the FVP-5000 is a huge step back. Very disappointed.
My old T2 has been dying, green screen on hdmi, black screen on scart so went to the 5000 and so far im not impressed. UI is 'different'. In the settings I had set options to set the skip forward and back 7/30 seconds, but as yet not found the remote control buttons to actually skip (excluding fast forward or rewind).
From FAQ at myhumax,org
"During playback display the timebar - eg by pressing play/OK/right/left button, with this on screen, and the elapsed time highlighted you can skip fwd/back using the cursor right/left buttons.

Option for duration of skip can be set in the playback menu:

Back - 7, 15, & 30 secs.
Forward - 30, 60, 120, & 240 secs."
Only other bugbare is losing the ability to skip a day in the EPG, other than selecting date, all I can do is slowly wade per 2 hours. However the humax portal has helped, but that still involves a lot of scrolling.
From the FAQ at myhumax.org:
<< >> - jump in 2 hour steps

To jump 24 hours you have to press and hold the left/right arrow cursor control, an overlay will then appear with dates, highlight the date required and press OK, guide will 'jump' to selected date.

Page up/down - as usual for Humax use the CH up/down key."
Thanks for the quick reply. I found the skip, i suspect i was dropping down to the fast forward / rewind. I had found the dates previously, but hoped I could skip within the epg.

The system still struggles, during checking the above and in the recordings menu the TV picture behind was breaking up / micro pauses. I wonder if I should raise a ticket with humax.
You are correct the 4000/5000 are definite backward steps performance wise compared to the T2.

It’s one thing getting used to the interface idiosyncrasies which I have adapted to, but I will never get used to its slow, sluggish and clunky interface!
Bizarrely, the stuttering only appears to be on some channels, eg, 4+1 so I wonder if when the signal is weak(er) there is a drop out. Audio is fine, but the video can't keep up. On BBC 1,2 ITV and HD, the stronger channels etc its fine. Maybe i'm just being fussy!!
Skip to Date in the epg on the 5000T is accessed by the + button. You get CHANGE GROUP - GENRE SEARCH - JUMP TO DATE.

If you sit more than a couple of metres from the box try pointing the remote at the ceiling to bounce the Infra Red down. The receiver seems to work much better when the infra red is coming from above.

Not seen any video stuttering at all.
I took a small video of the stuttering, it was a mobile in one hand and the remote in the other so forgive the shakeyness, but you will see as I open the guide (or the F button) everything gets jerky.


only those that have the link can view the video, im cautious of copy write and if the mods are not happy then feel free to edit or delete.
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Try reformattimg the hard drive. We know that if the HDR-FOX processor gets overloaded due to disk errors causing multiple retries, the video slows down. The same may apply here.
It's near impossible to tell anything from a phone recording at 60Hz of a 50Hz display, The mismatch creates all sorts of motion artefacts. What signal strength and quality do you get on the channel affected. I will check what I get to compare. Note I don't have COM 7/8 so no way of looking at these. Can you also post what transmitter you use and the UHF channel of the MUX you took readings from. Suspect you may have tuned channels from more than 1 transmitter.
A drive format hasn't helped. There's only a single transmitter in the area, im deep devon. The pauses on the screen are a true representation of the stuttering and not from a mobile. I might try a factory reset and if that still fails then I will get in touch with humax.
A drive format hasn't helped. There's only a single transmitter in the area, im deep devon. The pauses on the screen are a true representation of the stuttering and not from a mobile. I might try a factory reset and if that still fails then I will get in touch with humax.

Having only 1 transmitter in the area doesn't mean anything you may still pick up distant transmitters especially if you tune during a high pressure uplift. Do you have channels in your epg with lcn's over 800 ?

What transmitter do you think you are tuned to ?

The box will tell you the UHF channel used for each of the Mux you get and also the signal strength and more importantly the quality.
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You don't get a confirmation if you set a HD channel using the SD version or vice versa, because you are looking at the SD epg. If you go to the HD version (tap in 101 for BBC 1 HD) the record flag should be there. Pressing + in the epg on a 5000T gives you the option to locate any day.
a full reset + additional hd format still gives the same result. no 800 channels. Huntshaw cross is our nearest transmitter

I have uploaded another video, this one is more4


Can you tune to each of the following in turn and post signal strength and quality and UHF channel from Signal Test

1 3 101 10 48 and 19

What did you mean by viewing by RF on the TV. The box has no modulator so that would be impossible ?

Do you have an aerial amplifier somewhere in the system ?
1 66/100
3 66/100
101 66/100
10 48/100
48 49/100
19 49/100
59 51/100

I added the last one as that is the channel I get stuttering, however i got a small amount on 3 but not as bad as some channels.

The RF, I was referring to the TV ariel out. When I copied files from the usb drive to the hdd, the tv via the tv ariel was totally unwatchable (edit, i was going to make a video, but it's fine today, so I will dismiss this as a one off)

No amp

I have emailed humax support with a link to the video

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Can you tune to each of the following in turn and post signal strength and quality and UHF channel from Signal Test

1 3 101 10 48 and 19

1 66/100
3 66/100
101 66/100
10 48/100
48 49/100
19 49/100
59 51/100

I added the last one as that is the channel I get stuttering, however i got a small amount on 3 but not as bad as some channels.
You haven't included the UHF channel number for each line!
You missed out the important UHF channel nos. To use the RF loopthrough you need to turn off power saving in sby.

There is something wrong 10 ITV3 is on COM 4 so is 59 ITV4 +1. It's impossible to get a different reading and reception from the same mux. Guessing your 59 is from a different transmitter. Without the missing channel info impossible to guess which one.

Can you post a nearby pub, restaurant etc postcode ?

Re the interference issue, you need to use a decent screened rf patch lead. Ideally make one up with satellite double screened 100 grade coax.
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1 66/100
3 66/100
101 66/100
10 48/100
48 49/100
19 49/100
59 51/100

I added the last one as that is the channel I get stuttering, however i got a small amount on 3 but not as bad as some channels.

The RF, I was referring to the TV ariel out. When I copied files from the usb drive to the hdd, the tv via the tv ariel was totally unwatchable (edit, i was going to make a video, but it's fine today, so I will dismiss this as a one off)
When the picture was jerking if you were watching via the "TV arial out" were you using the TV's tuners or the Humax?
Do the strength/quality you quote refer to the TV's reception or the Humax?
1 66/100 50
3 66/100 59
101 66/100 55
10 48/100 48
48 49/100 52
19 49/100 56
59 51/100 48

I hope this is what you want, it's the first number on the test

I was watching via HDMI, always do as normal TV looks grainy in comparison