So (yes, I know), if the aspiration is to get 750,000 people through in 109.5 hours, then that works out at about 114 people per minute. But they seem to stop things while the changeover happens and it seems to take quite a long time, at least 10% from what I've seen so far, so that increases it to about 127 per minute. There are (currently) two streams which means you need to clock at least one person through per stream every second.
Looking at what's happened so far, the rate is nothing remotely approaching that.
So (!) either they have to increase the number of streams, or move people along at a much brisker pace and without stopping.
Otherwise the aspiration is going to fall way short. Looks like no-one has managed to do the maths. thus far. I wonder how long it will take for somebody to twig. Watch with interest at what will or won't happen.