• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

humax cxhd-5150c aka 7000i aka cxhd-5151


New Member
Hello friends.

There is a dvb-c device. Great device, but really need Telnet )))

I have latest firmware: this one: http s : // yadi.sk /d/Xn7AilHBjCX5m
but humidify_1.0.2_i386 can't unpack it :( And I can't run v1.0.4 - becouse of i have not other humax devices, and this version does not run at qemu-mipsel or other my mips devices

may be some one can help my to unpack this firmware (who have customfirmwared humax device with humidify 1.0.4 onboard)
Not sure I understand but here is what I think you mean:
HDF Tool v1.0.4, by af123, 2011-2015.

Opening hd_7000i_upgrade.hdf, 22908907 bytes.

  Blocks:  706
  Model:  4
  System ID:  805c.8700

File  Offset  Address  Type  Flags  Size  Uncompressed Size
----  ------  -------  ----  -----  ----  -----------------
  1  0000014  80100000  1  0  262  -
  0000126  0000000  128  0  20  (Checksum block)
  2  0000146  80100400  1  0  1718336  -
  01a3c02  0000000  128  0  20  (Checksum block)
  3  01a3c22  80300000  1  0  262  -
  01a3d34  0000000  128  0  20  (Checksum block)
  4  01a3d54  80300400  1  0  21181475  -
  15d8fcb  0000000  128  0  20  (Checksum block)