Hummy Arms Word Game v4.0

Tee hee. By my reckoning your challenge is incorrect, so I challenge your challenge. (This is assuming we are giving Trev special licence to ignore the scoring part of the rules.)

+10 = 38

It's up to the player to incorporate the score adjustments - declaring an invalid score is equally challengable!
The rules don't specifically state that a player /must/ state their score with a play and the example post only says that a player /might/ play... So, an unsuccessful challenge doubles my score for that play..
+4 = 29
+4 = 33

Where does that leave prpr then? Down to 24?

Since challenges count as plays, I'm also no longer in nib so:

+4 = 37

(and since BH's challenge is no longer the most recent play in the thread, it can't be further challenged!)
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Jeez, more bickering about scores than producing new words.
Fart 0+3=3

And what happened to the rule that said your word had to be the last word in the post.
whoops invalid move.
can I challenge myself?
Or can I just claim a shorter substring?

adjudication please?
I'm willing to bribe with wine but hurry as I've almost finished the bottle

rules said:
Add letters at the beginning and/or the end of the sub-string, so that the total letter count is at least two more than the sub-string;
rat from my post and add a B and an S (must add two chars) = +3 for rat

BUT, why re-post why not just Edit? Can 'New Members' Edit?
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Thanks, I'd missed the two more clause!
There are a few other invalid plays in this thread then.
Suggest we just move on.