Hummy Arms Word Game v4.0

Hmm. "Brambling" is what you do when you go picking blackberries, and I thought "bramling" is the bird - I've seen it spelt like that in some quarters, but I see the Internet supports the other spelling.

+4 = 1145
Hmm. "Brambling" is what you do when you go picking blackberries, and I thought "bramling" is the bird - I've seen it spelt like that in some quarters, but I see the Internet supports the other spelling.
I've never seen it spelt like that before and all the birds guides support that. I suggest that even Google has made a spelling error.

A couple of successful challenges against RobH1 and antipodean.
And I should have had another one against you last evening.
It's the NAME of a specific cocktail. That makes it a proper noun in my book - anybody disagree (except Rob of course)?