To whom could you possibly be referring. Initials JC? (That's handy, isn't it?)
Are you thinking of one Jeremy Corbyn, his hangers on, and the "Red Flag" by any chance?
This is something that has worried me for some time. Both science and our legal system (and in some ways politics) are becoming so complex that for most people the 'results', disseminated by those who (claim to) understand them, have to be taken on faith. I don't see it ending well.To say you prefer to think the universe is governed by a set of physical equations that "just are" rather than have been defined by some divine being in a massive thought experiment is a belief system in itself.
Nar, fresh out of 'hymn singing hypocrites'My first thought was Clarkson.
That's what I mean by "overselling".cosmology gives an insight into whatreally[might really have] happened and whatwill[might] happen
I know who I'd prefer. We've already got Hammond and May...My first thought was Clarkson. But Corbyn works too.
That's what I mean by "overselling"
Because they can think of no logical explanation of how we came to be here?Okay, so how do you explain the human predisposition to belief in a creator?
But there is no need for that level of certainty. A level of doubt when evidence is overwhelmingly against you is a sign of psychosis. If I said to you, come to the pub, and you said that you might be abducted by aliens if you went out, I would say there was a very small but non vanishing probability of that. If you then said that it was still a possibility, that you don't drive because a meteorite might hit your car, that you hate to walk because you might forget how to move your legs, well, I would draw certain conclusions of highly irrational behaviour.You can never say what really happened, because there will never be clinching proof (no matter how well the maths fits the observations).
There does not have to be a logical explanation, and religion provides none, either. Just because you can ask a questionBecause they can think of no logical explanation of how we came to be here?
For all your knowledge and intelligence, your mind is just as closed as those you dismiss.
Dynamo did it.That someone walked on water?
Okay, so how do you explain the human predisposition to belief in a creator?
We visited Lindisfarne a few years back and went for a meal in the hotel. The barman was Polish. My wife went and ordered some bottles of water. She then held one up and askedDynamo did it.I saw it on TV with my own eyes, so it must be true.
They could use you at the airport to assist all those people with a fear of flyingA level of doubt when evidence is overwhelmingly against you is a sign of psychosis.